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Joyce Hollman

4 behaviors that put you in line for heart failure

Heart failure is an often misunderstood diagnosis. It doesn’t mean your heart stops working. But it can be deadly. Here’s a primer on risk factors, symptoms, behaviors you can change to lower your risk, and a few science-backed ways to make improvements if you’ve been diagnosed.

Joyce Hollman

The prostate cancer-fighting potential of licorice

The licorice plant is one of the world’s oldest herbal remedies. Its powerful compounds are linked to fighting diabetes, adrenal fatigue and even the herpes simplex virus. Prostate cancer may be next on that list. But before you run out to stockpile it, there are some things to know…

Joyce Hollman

Surprising ‘anger link’ for men with essential hypertension

For most adults, there’s no identifiable cause for their hypertension, meaning no underlying condition or typical risk factor appears to be to blame. It’s called essential hypertension and all they know for sure is that it develops over years. But, for men, at least, an odd link to anger, with a twist, may be the cause.

Carolyn Gretton

Improve your indoor air and breathe easy with houseplants

Houseplants are a great way to bring a little nature inside. A little greenery goes a along way to ease anxiety, improve mood and sleep, and importantly, your oxygen levels. They can also protect you from a dangerously common household gas…

Carolyn Gretton

Alzheimer’s in your future? Cholesterol and blood sugar at 35 hold clues

You may have heard the expression “that’s a problem for future me.” You may have even said it yourself. But when it comes to health, that can be dangerous. In fact, recent research shows that certain health decisions you make in your younger years can elevate your Alzheimer’s risk later in life…

Jedha Dening

Aloe vera: The fat-burning blood sugar balancer

If you’re looking for something to turn your metabolism around, think aloe vera. The thought may conjure up memories of slathering it on sunburns, and while it’s true it’s great for your skin, it’s also considered a ‘functional food’ — meaning it provides health benefits, particularly for metabolic syndrome.

Jenny Smiechowski

When your skin signals a dangerous heart condition

Your skin can tell you a lot about your health. If something is out of balance, it can show up as rashes, eczema or other rritations rooted in inflammation. So, if your skin is showing signs of a problem, research says chances are it’s wreaking havoc elsewhere increasing risk for stroke, heart attack or worse.

Joyce Hollman

A late bedtime won’t turn you into a pumpkin but possibly a heart attack statistic

There are numerous ways to lower your risk of becoming a heart disease statistic, from exercise to eating habits to stress reduction. Apparently, picking just the right bedtime is just as crucial. Too early or too late means a 12 to 25 percent increase in your risk. But there was an optimal bedtime to aim for…

Carolyn Gretton

The ancient Chinese practice that helps with stroke recovery

Tai chi, an ancient Chinese mind-body practice, involves a combination of deep breathing and a series of slow, deliberate movements of the hands, arms, neck, legs and core. A tailored version has been found helpful in helping stroke victims get back on their feet…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is your weight setting you up for cognitive decline?

It’s easy to look in a mirror and gauge if we need to lose weight. But there’s another kind of fat that isn’t so easy to see. It’s called visceral adipose fat and it’s stored inside your body around your organs. Turns out these fats may team up to set you up for cognitive decline…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How much daily activities add up to heart protection

How much time do you devote to exercise? If you’re like most, not as much as you’d like. By the time you’re done with work, housework, kids or grandkids — who feels like a half hour of heart-protective cardio? If you think you’re not getting as much as you need, you might be relieved to know how much your daily activities are helping…

Carolyn Gretton

How a zinc ‘burst’ activates the immune system

Scientists have long known that people whose zinc levels are too low have few to no infection-fighting T-cells. And their thymus, an immune system organ that generates those T-cells, starts to shrink. When corrected, their thymuses grow and start generating T-cells again. But activation needs a burst…

Carolyn Gretton

10 health consequences of not having sex

It can be deceptively easy to slide into an extended period of not having sex. Life gets busy, you get tired, and sometimes we think we’re just too old. But lack of sex isn’t just a relationship issue: not having sex can negatively impact your health, happiness and well-being…

Joyce Hollman

The fiber that offers the most heart protection

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. But if you’re nearing 65, one food source in particular is the best choice for fending off the inflammation that leads to heart problems. Here’s why it’s better than fruits or vegetables at keeping your heart healthy…

Joyce Hollman

Long-term proof: An avocado a day keeps heart disease away

It’s no secret that avocados have lots of health benefits wrapped up in one little package, including phytochemicals that protect eyesight and fight cancer. But the connection between eating avocados and lowering your risk of heart disease just got even stronger…

Joyce Hollman

Nerve pain: The latest symptom of long COVID

Following the pandemic, the effects of long COVID are slowly coming to light. Almost daily, new symptoms and conditions are revealing their strange connection to SARS-CoV-2. Not too surprising, the latest has also been linked to diabetes and the shingles virus…

Carolyn Gretton

The simple vitamin/mineral pairing that can help with vertigo

If you sometimes experience the kind of dizziness that feels like a sudden spinning sensation, you’re probably experiencing benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). And it can range from annoying to downright debilitating. Some people experience a “once and done” episode, but others aren’t so lucky. Fortunately, getting relief could be as simple as the right nutrients…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pain-relieving power of nostalgia

Opioids are proof that modern medicine has a long way to go in the battle against pain. Thank goodness there are natural ways to decrease pain levels, including the ones you can find down memory lane…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The relationship between loneliness and memory problems

Many people enjoy “alone time.” It helps us reset, be productive and sparks creativity. But loneliness is different. It is a feeling of social isolation fueled by a lack of fulfilling interactions with others. And research has been finding for years that it’s harmful to our health, especially your brain…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The supplement that makes it easier to cut out sugar

There’s good news for all of us who love our sweet and carb-laden treats but would like to tone them down a bit… and it’s all wrapped up in helping your gut help you make better choices, release appetite-suppressing hormones and increase calorie burn…

Easy Health Options Staff

Common erectile dysfunction drugs tied to vision problems

Drugs for ED have become incredibly popular in the last several years, helping many men overcome a problem that impacts their quality of life. But they may come with a serious price: a higher risk of three conditions that could cause vision loss…

Joyce Hollman

Avoiding heart failure is the best reason to stay hydrated

You’ve probably heard that your body is 50 percent water. But did you know some of your most vital organs are up to 80 percent water? Your heart is one of them. And we’re hearing that your future risk of heart failure may hinge on how well-hydrated you keep it…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘weight optional’ diet that lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

Your doctor says you’ve got to lower your cholesterol and blood sugar. Of course, he also says to do that, you’ve got to lose weight, and you’ve found that hard. No worries. Meet the diet that gives you these benefits and more, with or without the weight loss…

Joyce Hollman

Antibiotics and the surprising threat to women’s brains

It’s no secret that antibiotic overuse is harmful. It contributes to the growing threat of antibiotic resistance that threatens us all. But for women, it’s personal. If you’re not careful, fighting a simple infection could age your brain and hasten cognitive decline…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Diabetes: Why a broken biological clock affects treatment

Mitochondria communicate with time-keeping molecules in our cells, and this communication is disrupted in people with type 2 diabetes. That’s a problem because some of the most common diabetes treatments affect mitochondria, meaning they may work differently depending on the time of day they are taken…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The ‘silent hormone’ that doubles women’s Alzheimer’s risk

Doctors have long known that if you’re a woman, your brain is in danger. Numerous studies show women are twice as likely as men to develop Alzheimer’s. And as you may have guessed, hormones are believed to be the culprit following menopause. But not the ones you’re thinking of…

Joyce Hollman

The trick to using optimism to live longer and better

Research says being an optimist can absolutely add years to your healthspan, the number of years you get to live a healthy, disease-free, productive life. But it depends on when you’re optimistic in response to the stressors in your life — before they happen or after…

Carolyn Gretton

A single cell may be the start and end of Alzheimer’s

The brain needs a lot of oxygen. Without a hardy supply, brain cells begin to malfunction and die off. That’s why the brain has a mechanism in place to make sure its energy demands are met: a single cell that may be all that’s between you and a cascade that could lead to Alzheimer’s or stop it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why cutting calories could cut your colon cancer risk

While we used to think of colon cancer as a concern for those middle-aged and older, more people are being diagnosed under the age of 50. And while plenty of research speculates as to why that is, the best is finding ways to keep it from happening to you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Poor liver health could be destroying your bones

If your liver goes down, so do you. It’s a fact that’s as true for your bones as it is for any part of your body. So, if you’re experiencing bone loss, problems with bone density or are worried about suffering from weak bones and fractures, your liver health, or lack of it, could be to blame.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is it ever too late to benefit from exercise?

There’s no shortage of excuses to put off exercise till you realize you might have needed it. But is there really any reason to get started later in life? Or is it just plain too late, and have the benefits you would have gotten (like muscle strength) from exercise passed you by? The answer is surprising…

Jenny Smiechowski

How concerning is the carcinogen in your heartburn medication?

There are times when OTC heartburn drugs seem like total lifesavers. Wake up in the middle of the night with bitter stomach acid gushing into your mouth? Reach for a Zantac. Chronic indigestion? You may be popping a preventative Zantac before every meal. But there’s one very big reason not to…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

3 ways to quit smoking without gum, patches, prescriptions or vapes

Every cigarette robs the smoker of 7 to 11 minutes of their life. That’s more than 3 hours for every pack. Now, there are plenty of “quit smoking” aids. But this isn’t about those methods. If those haven’t worked, let me share how two important people in my life ditched the habit — forever…

Jenny Smiechowski

This compound from Easter Island’s soil may cure cancer and Alzheimer’s one day

Most of modern medicine’s “wonder drugs” don’t start in a lab. They start in a bug. Or a bush. Or a berry. Or in some cases, a pile of dirt on Easter Island… Back in the 60s, Canadian scientists set off to Easter Island to search for natural compounds to fight microbes. But they found something even more amazing…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The collagen supplement that gets results in just 12 weeks

Even though I would love to look younger and have smooth, wrinkle-free skin, I don’t want to head off to one of those medical spas and have a doctor inject toxins to freeze my wrinkles or syringes of fillers to plump my skin. Luckily, a new study has the answer — no doctors or injections necessary!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Biofeedback found beneficial for headaches, incontinence and stroke recovery

Once considered a new age therapy, like many people I was a little skeptical about what biofeedback could do for my headaches. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised. Now, a new study has taken a deeper look at biofeedback and proven its worth for two other difficult-to-treat conditions…

Dr. Michael Cutler

When steroid shots are a good idea — and when they’re not

Steroid shots are a common occurrence in most doctor’s offices. After all they may seem like a cure-all for what ails you… especially aches and pains in your joints due to inflammation. Here are 10 types of conditions they can help, and when to know if you need to consider other options…

Jenny Smiechowski

Is chicken really the healthier alternative to red meat?

Despite the debate on meat’s health merits, most meat-eaters are confident about one fact: White meat is healthier than red. Well, before you cook up a white meat feast fit for a king, you should know that chicken isn’t the perfect alternative to red meat we thought it was…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

The benefits of B12 you need to know now

The benefits of B12 are real. But to be fair, many vitamins and supplements have benefits that rival the manufactured, high-price tagged drug options. Not only can you feel better with adequate B12, but it also helps tone down the highly inflammatory metabolite, homocysteine. Here’s why it’s a big deal…

Jenny Smiechowski

Too much or too little sleep significantly increases heart attack risk

Everyone knows the biggest risk factors for cardiovascular disease… Smoking. Age. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. Family history. Lack of exercise. Obesity. No surprises here. But there’s something else that’s seriously affecting your heart that’s not in the list of usual suspects…

Jenny Smiechowski

Meet the people who are immune to insomnia

After a sleepless night, you’re not your best self the next day. You notice every little annoying thing about everything and everyone you interact with all day. Because basically, the less sleep you get, the harder it is to see the world through a positive lens. And here’s the problem with that…

Jenny Smiechowski

This neglected nutrient makes plant-based diets bad for the brain

If you’ve decided to go vegetarian or vegan, you’re in good company. There are now more than 19 million vegans in the U.S! There are many admirable and inspiring reasons for giving up animal products. If you’ve done it, you deserve major props. But I need to warn you: It could be messing with your brain.

Joyce Hollman

Nutritional psychiatry: Treating depression with nutrients, not pills

It’s a radical thought for many of us that we can cure ourselves. After all, we’re not doctors, right? But when it comes to mental illness, especially depression, we should probably take another look at this statement.

Jenny Smiechowski

The frightening danger that’s 3x higher with restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is a harmless disease, or is it? It is true that restless leg isn’t caused by a serious medical problem. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t serious. People with this mysterious disease (doctors still don’t know exactly what causes it) face major risks that people without this disease don’t have…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 age-related diseases and dangers hearing aids can reduce risk of

Hearing loss is pretty much a given with age. Approximately one in three people in the United States between the ages of 65 and 74 has hearing loss, and nearly half of those older than 75 have difficulty hearing. But, of all the diseases and conditions we face with age, is hearing loss that bad?

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

7 ways to tell if it’s heart pain or heartburn

We all get aches and pains, but when it’s your chest we’re talking about… well, that’s always concerning. Could it be heartburn or something serious? The body’s signals can be confusing, but when the signal comes from your chest, the stakes are too high to ignore. How do you know when to seek medical attention?

Jenny Smiechowski

Why eating slow burns calories and fights off metabolic syndrome

My mom and I are so similar it’s almost scary. We like the same foods. We share a lot of the same hobbies and mannerisms. We’re a true testament to the power of genes. But there’s at least one area where we’re opposites. Mom’s a slow eater and research shows if I don’t change my ways, I’ll be paying for it…

Jenny Smiechowski

Your best defense against pneumonia this cold and flu season

It’s that time of year again. Over 900,000 Americans get pneumonia every year, usually following a cold or flu bug. And it looks like a lot of those cases could be avoided. In fact, researchers have recently found just how important this one element is in your diet for fighting off pneumonia-causing bacteria…

Jenny Smiechowski

The DIY low-back pain therapy way to a better back in 6 weeks

It’s a moment most of us dread… You bend down to put on a sock, pick up a bar of soap, pet your dog, get into a yoga pose and — youch! — your lower back spasms. Suddenly, you can’t stand up straight. So, you’re out of commission for days, again! What can you do to find real relief from low back pain?

Dr. Michael Cutler

How sex hormones slow biological aging

While you can’t change your chronological age, it is now proven that your biological age is influenced by your testosterone and estradiol levels. That’s according to newer studies which measure correlations between these hormone levels and chromosomal telomeres. First let me explain about telomeres and their important relationship to biological age…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The unseen damage of severe stress your heart pays for

We’ve all experienced a stressful event in our lives where we were completely overwhelmed. Our hearts beat faster, our hands started shaking and the world seems to close in around us. But then things got better… or did they?

Jenny Smiechowski

5 everyday foods for lower blood sugar

Balanced blood sugar isn’t just about eliminating foods. It’s also about adding foods that help your body process sugar better. If you’re looking for a few blood sugar-friendly options to add to your grocery list this week, try these five foods.

Jenny Smiechowski

5 questions that protect you from unnecessary medical tests

Raise your hand if you’ve had a medical scan in the past year? We’re lucky to have technology like CTs, MRIs and X-rays. They let us see inside our bodies to figure out what’s wrong… and potentially save our lives. But you know the saying “too much of a good thing”? That applies to medical scans too…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How your relationship status could double your dementia risk

Beyond genetics, most doctors look at your risk of dementia as a crapshoot. But the more research uncovers about its causes, the more you can do to prevent it. That’s why a new study out of Michigan State University was so interesting since it found a significant link between relationship status and dementia risk.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why ginkgo biloba may be the next big deal in diabetes treatment

Beta cells are the cells in your pancreas that produce insulin. Your body uses this insulin to manage blood sugar. People with type 2 diabetes have beta cells that don’t produce enough insulin. But based on this latest study, ginkgo biloba could fix that…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7+ longevity, weight loss and disease-fighting benefits of alternate-day fasting

Some experts say fasting is great, not only for weight loss but also to enhance overall health. But how do you choose the right technique for you? If weight loss, longevity and avoiding disease are your goals, a study found some pretty amazing results that may give you the answer you need…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Making sense of the low LDL – high hemorrhagic stroke risk in women

Hemorrhagic strokes (bleeding on the brain) are more difficult to treat and more likely to be deadly. Sounds pretty scary. But things got even scarier when news of a study came out warning of a two-fold increase in the risk of these strokes in women with low LDL cholesterol levels. Should you be concerned?

Jenny Smiechowski

Why red wine drinkers have healthier guts

Kombucha. Keifer. Bone broth. There are plenty of drinks that encourage good bacteria to throw a party in your gut. There are also plenty of drinks that cause bad bacteria to crash that party: Soda. Diet drinks. Juices. And alcohol, which causes an unhealthy imbalance in your microbiome. But wait a sec…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

In a comparison of 3 heart-healthy diets, this worked best

Look at any web article on heart disease or any health-related magazine on the shelf at your local grocery store and you’ll find recommendation upon recommendation for the type of diet you should eat to keep your heart healthy. That’s why you may be surprised at what they found about the top three…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why you should never use mouthwash after exercise

Exercising is one of the best ways to lower your blood pressure. In fact, getting more exercise can lower your systolic blood pressure as much as some medications. That’s empowering. But before you rest all your hopes of taming your blood pressure on your exercise regimen, you need to know…