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Joyce Hollman

Obesity and poor immune response

Obesity is a risk factor for heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses. But research reveals that being obese also increases the risk of becoming severely ill from a COVID-19 infection. And unfortunately, once a vaccine is developed, obesity is one factor that could lessen its effectiveness…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 reasons you should be taking CoQ10 right now

If you’re not taking CoQ10, you’re missing out on one powerful nutrient. In fact, the power of Coenzyme Q10 is found in its ability to generate energy in every cell of your body. That’s why the supplement socks a serious punch to your health. Here are three big benefits of CoQ10 you can’t miss…

Jenny Smiechowski

Never take this over-the-counter pain killer if you’re deficient in selenium

You’ve probably taken Tylenol many times in your life. Most of us have… whether it was to relieve a headache, reduce fever or tame a toothache. But unfortunately, like many over-the-counter pain relievers, it comes with serious risks, especially if you’re low in this essential mineral.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How concerned should you be about arsenic levels in your rice?

If you eat rice regularly, it’s time to understand the very real arsenic risk that experts believe contributes to a whopping 50,000 premature deaths yearly — many due to its impact on the heart. Does this mean you have to give it up completely? Not as long you’re careful and follow these tips…

Joyce Hollman

Two reasons to be concerned about feeling lightheaded when you stand up

Do you get dizzy and lightheaded if you get up from your chair or bed too quickly? Orthostatic hypotension is the cause, and research shows that repeated episodes of this sudden drop in blood pressure put you at risk of dementia and stroke. For those reasons, it’s important to know what to do about it…

Joyce Hollman

8 tasty ways to stay hydrated as it warms up

Even those of us who normally hide from the heat and sun have felt the need to get outside to avoid “cabin fever.” Just don’t forget that the danger of dehydration can sneak up on you. Here are eight foods that have more than their share of water and can help you stay healthfully hydrated…

Jenny Smiechowski

Fish may lower women’s crazy high Alzheimer’s-air pollution threat

A variety of factors can contribute to the risk of Alzheimer’s. But one incredibly important factor often gets overlooked: air pollution. Women who live in highly polluted areas are as much as 92 percent more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. Luckily, there may be a simple way to counteract the Alzheimer’s-air pollution threat…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to improve family bonds and keep peace while safe at home

You love your family. Life wouldn’t be the same without them. But let’s face it, sometimes family relationships can be stressful, especially when you’re stuck in the house together for months and months. But there’s something simple you can do to make your family dynamic less stressful during the pandemic and beyond…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

7 reasons your sex drive (and your health) may be lagging

It’s normal to go through ups and downs when it comes to your sex drive. However, if you’ve found that your libido is chronically lagging, there could be something more going on. And even though it’s easy to just fall into a rut, a healthy sex life has too many health benefits to give up on…

Jenny Smiechowski

Herbs to reach for when a hangover happens

The best prevention for a hangover is to drink wisely if you drink. My advice would be to stick to one to two drinks max, in which case you wouldn’t need to worry about hangovers at all. But accidents happen, and these herbs may be the remedy for such occasions…

Jenny Smiechowski

The secret ingredients for prostate cancer prevention

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in American men and the second leading cause of death. So, how do you protect yourself? Well, according to new research, eating more fruits, veggies and plant-based protein could deliver a potent dose of prostate cancer protection…

Joyce Hollman

How curcumin prevents muscle damage and soreness

Why reach for dangerous NSAIDs when you can reach into your spice cabinet for something that relieves muscle aches without the side effects? Research shows that curcumin supplements are a safe, effective way to prevent muscle damage, pain and inflammation whether you’re exercising, working, gardening or getting your game on.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 things that trigger an IBS flare

Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome can feel like you’re living on a razor blade, never knowing when your symptoms are going to flare. But the truth is, there are a number of common triggers (not all food-related) that can make your IBS worse. Avoiding them could mean enjoying more symptomless days, making life with your condition much easier…

Jenny Smiechowski

When too much of a good thing could lead to colon cancer

You’re constantly being told to eat antioxidant foods to reduce your risk of cancer and other diseases. But what if these typically healthy antioxidants have an unpredictable side that can fuel cancer under certain circumstances? New research shows that may be the case…

Joyce Hollman

Flu and pneumonia vaccines may prevent Alzheimer’s

If you’ve wondered about the benefits of a flu vaccine, here’s something to consider… If you already get it every year, you’ll be glad to know you may be getting something else: protection from another, seemingly unrelated disease that can rob you first of your memories and then of your life.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The grain science says can slow down aging

People have been searching for the fountain of youth for thousands of years. Research has found that diets that severely restrict calories do the trick. But who wants to give up food? You don’t have to! Simply adding one type of grain to your diet can mimic that life-lengthening caloric-restriction, without starvation…

Joyce Hollman

How to save a fatty liver before it’s too late

Left untreated, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can progress to cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer. At this point, a liver transplant may be the only way to save a life. That’s why we’re so excited to learn about a new study on how to prevent this silent liver disease that’s attacking more than 100 million Americans.

Jenny Smiechowski

How high blood sugar stands in the way of getting fit

When you first take up exercising, it’s excruciating. You can’t breathe and every muscle hurts. But, eventually, you build up aerobic capacity and it gets easier, unless you have high blood sugar, that is. New research shows why exercise can be the hardest for those who have the most to benefit…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fever, fatigue, headache: Is it a tick bite or COVID-19?

We all know that ticks can carry disease. So, we’ve learned to look out for the little bloodsuckers after a day outdoors, specifically the deer tick to avoid Lyme disease. But, there’s another tick-borne disease from the rather aggressive lone star tick you need to be aware of…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘low-down’ on what green tea does to high blood pressure

You might think that a drink with caffeine couldn’t be good for your blood pressure. But study after study shows there’s something about green tea. That’s why two groups of scientists from distant areas of the world decided to take a look at all those findings and give us what we’ve been waiting for… the definitive answer on green tea.

Jenny Smiechowski

For brain-saving omega-3 benefits, dosage matters

There’s a ton of research showing omega-3s have the potential to stave off Alzheimer’s. But there are also studies that didn’t hold up. These discrepancies have left many wondering whether omega-3s really work against Alzheimer’s. Luckily, new insights show their effectiveness may all come down to this one important factor…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The common testosterone thief targeting men and women

Testosterone is the elixir of life, an antidote to some of the worst health issues plaguing us today. You might think it’s just men who need to protect their levels as much as possible. But women need it to… because this testosterone-thief doesn’t discriminate.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

For more heart protection, eat more chocolate

Every year, heart disease kills more people than any other disease on earth, including cancer. So, is it any wonder that we’re all searching for ways to keep our ticker ticking? From exercise and supplements to diet, we all want to know how to keep our hearts healthy. And now, science has found a sweet answer to that problem in an unlikely source.

Jenny Smiechowski

12 sunscreen ingredients the FDA could ban

It’s becoming obvious that sunscreen comes with serious baggage. Studies have found the active chemicals seep into your body at much higher levels than what’s considered safe. And as a result, the FDA’s putting some new regulations in place soon. But here’s how to make safer sunscreen choices…

Joyce Hollman

Curcumin: From spice to potent anti-viral

Research on curcumin, the compound found in the Indian spice turmeric, is pointing to its potential as an antiviral drug. It’s shown the ability to counteract herpes and Zika viruses and may even have some power against the HIV virus. How you can get some of curcumin’s anti-viral power now?

Joyce Hollman

How to brew up the many benefits of lavender tea

The scent of diffused lavender oil can help you wind down and relax before bed. But a cup of lavender tea can also do the trick and help settle your stomach. That’s because lavender tea is good for more than just sleep and relaxation. Here are more reasons to drink this lovely tea, and how…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 superfoods for super women

Eating a healthy diet is important for anyone who wants to live better, longer. But certain foods are especially effective at helping women meet their special health needs. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top seven superfoods that are especially good for women…

Jenny Smiechowski

The three best foods for fighting diabetes

It’s easy to get confused about what you should eat to lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Should you go low-carb? Vegan? Low-cal? There’s so much conflicting information out there. So, here’s some simple advice — if you want to escape type 2 diabetes, focus on these three food groups to slash your risk up to 50 percent…

Jenny Smiechowski

How optimism helps you sleep better and live longer

Research has proven time and time again that optimists live longer than pessimists. In fact, one 2019 study found that they live 11 to 15 percent longer than pessimistic folks on average. But what exactly is it about a sunny disposition that leads to a longer life? A new study shows it could all come down to this surprisingly simple factor…

Jenny Smiechowski

Grapes deliver the perfect dose of heart-healthy antioxidants

Oxidative stress is like kryptonite for your heart. It’s tied to atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), high blood pressure, cardiac fibrosis (scarring), plaque rupture, arterial blood clots and even heart failure. Luckily, there’s a fruit that contains the three most powerful antioxidants to fend off oxidative stress and provide serious heart protection…

Jenny Smiechowski

Dodge colon cancer with 3 diet changes

Those who followed these three magic rules of healthy eating kept their colon free of precancerous polyps — small growths in the colon that can eventually turn into cancer. Even those who only followed two of these rules slashed their polyp risk in half!

Dr. Michael Cutler

Mind infusions to supercharge your health

You can use the power of just your mind to propel you into physical health. You won’t do this just sitting on the sofa thinking about it, however… I want to share with you what I’ve found as the best nutrition for your mind and your happiness.

Jedha Dening

5 powerful spices to combat cancer [slideshow]

Whether you’re a cancer survivor looking to prevent a recurrence… or just want to do everything you can to cancer-proof your body, it’s comforting to know that powerful, natural plant compounds may help…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Fix your gut to fix your mood

Although, you may think of anxiety and depression as a problem in your brain, your gut could have just as much if not more of a role. In fact, more and more studies are showing that the health of your gut has a direct impact on your mental health. Here’s how to fix both…

Jedha Dening

5 Foods that fight for your heart

By focusing your attention to heart-healthy food sources, you can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease. But it’s not just about eating healthy — it’s about eating foods with nutrients and compounds that fight for your heart health.

Jenny Smiechowski

How much cocoa does it take to lessen heart attack and stroke risk?

People with Afib are a whopping FIVE times more likely to have a stroke than people with a normal heart rhythm. And since one in four people are at risk for developing Afib, prevention should be at the top of your mind. And so should knowing how much cocoa can help…

Craig Cooper

3 ways you can increase your testosterone

If you listen to the media, you might think it easy to believe the only way to boost your testosterone and energy levels is by springing for testosterone replacement therapy. However, there are free natural testosterone boosters available to all of us every day.

Jedha Dening

3 ways to avoid menopause’s disease dangers

Not only is menopause’s impact on your quality of life annoying, you’re also faced with a whole new level of serious health problems — increased risk of osteoporosis, increased risk of heart disease and a greater chance of breast cancer. What can you do to ensure a better, healthier life?

Jenny Smiechowski

Milking the many benefits of milk thistle

Several studies show that a compound in milk thistle purifies the liver. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg… Milk thistle’s miracle compounds have powerful effects on cancer, blood sugar, premature aging… not too mention your brain! Here’s how to use it…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Lose the one thing setting you up for disease

While there are many things we can do to create better health, there is one thing that, above others, elevates risk of disease and early death: being overweight and obesity. In fact, studies show that losing a few pounds…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Sweet relief for kidney stones: Lemonade

Doctors often prescribe potassium citrate to patients to try to prevent kidney stones, but if you want to avoid not only the pain from these stones but also taking one more prescription medication, there is a natural alternative that works so well that even some physicians are recommending it…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Natural stress relief that won’t drug you

When it comes to stress relief, most of us need a little help. The problem is, many stress and anxiety-reducing treatments, both conventional and alternative, can also leave you feeling drowsy or fatigued. Time to look into some better mood-boosting options…

Jedha Dening

How a simple vitamin fights cancer stem cells

If you could tap into a natural substance that’s up to 10 times as potent as drugs at stopping cancer cell growth, would you be interested to know about it? Of course you would! And surprisingly, it’s a simple vitamin…

Jenny Smiechowski

Should you eat soy or not?

Remember when soy was considered a health food? That idea didn’t just arise out of thin air. It came from research that shows soy relieves menopause symptoms, prevents osteoporosis and improves cardiovascular health. So is it good or bad for you?

Dr. Michael Cutler

Coconut oil for your heart, brain, belly and more

Despite what the American Heart Association will tell you, coconut oil offers myriad benefits, including the treatment of obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and high blood pressure, all risk factors for Alzheimer’s and more…

Jenny Smiechowski

Sucking down this drink sucks life out of your cells

Rapid aging isn’t appealing to anyone. But what makes this drink’s effect even worse is, the more your cells age, the more likely you are to develop age-related diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia.

Jedha Dening

Have you tried a migraine-relief diet?

Migraines can be painful and for many, even debilitating. If you haven’t considered a diet change as a potential treatment strategy, it’s time you should, starting with these three proven to help…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The breathing trick that helps you remember

Breathing brings life-giving oxygen to your cells. But it does something quite curious as well: it triggers a visceral, emotional and memory-based response on your body — affecting how your brain actually works…

Carl Lowe

Four ways to live 10 years longer

If you want to live longer, researchers in Switzerland have identified four easy steps to boosting your life expectancy by 10 years.

Margaret Cantwell

The cancer treatment that brings cancer back

One of the most common cancer treatments endorsed by physicians and hospitals worldwide has now been proven to cause cancer to spread throughout your body… What does this mean in the search for a cure?

Easy Health Options Staff

8 Sight savers to share [slideshow]

All of a sudden you need glasses to drive or read, but that could be the least of your problems: more serious age-related eye disorders like macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma could be waiting just around the corner. It’s time to turn an eye toward prevention if you want to keep your eyesight…

Jedha Dening

Depressed? It could be a mineral deficiency

Processed and packaged foods are leading to malnourishment, even in the Western world. More than ever before, we are seeing a wide range of micronutrient deficiencies that appear to be increasing risk of multiple conditions — in this case it’s depression…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Want your strength back? Pose like a warrior

Can you feel your strength dwindling away? It can happen subtly… and before you know it, you wake up one day mad at yourself for not doing something about it sooner.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

7 natural helpers to help you ‘go’

If you live with constipation, you already know the pain, bloating and straining. What you may not know is that constipation is a real danger to your health. The best way to overcome chronic constipation is to provide safe, natural support for your colon.

Jedha Dening

‘Tag team it’ to avoid stroke and heart attack

Some healthy habits are a given. For example, you know that regular exercise helps improve your cardiovascular health. And you know the sunshine vitamin helps improve bone health. But put them together and…

Craig Cooper

Is low T your problem? Take the quiz

Low energy? Not feeling like sex? It could be low testosterone. Take the following quiz to see if you have any of the symptoms and how they add up… Then, check out these all-natural things you can do to boost your testosterone and start feeling like yourself again…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Boost your brain to beat depression

You don’t have to live with your depression, stress and anxiety. And, you don’t have to choose those prescription drugs with questionable effectiveness, chemicals and dangerous side effects. Start here…

Jenny Smiechowski

Better brain health begins in the bedroom

You may think you’re doing everything you can to ward off dementia as you age. But there’s one more lifestyle habit you should adopt ASAP if you want to keep your cognitive health intact… and it takes place in the bedroom.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why smart interval training is the smartest thing you can do

The biggest trend in the exercise world is high-intensity interval training or HIIT. It’s one of the best ways to stay in shape, keep your bones strong and your muscles lean, and to lose weight if that’s your goal. Luckily, it’s pretty simple and great for us mature folk…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Scoliosis: How yoga can help

Scoliosis is a painful and sometimes disabling condition affecting approximately 7.5 million Americans. It causes the spinal column to curve (rather than grow vertically), which causes an asymmetrical posture. The good news? A single yoga pose might correct it…