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Carolyn Gretton

COVID-19 deals a heavy blow to your ‘master antioxidant’

Researchers trying to unravel the many long-term symptoms of COVID-19 keep finding new ones to add to the list. Now, they’ve discovered the illness can cause the dangerous depletion of the body’s “master antioxidant,” leading to a host of unwanted health effects…

Joyce Hollman

The music that can keep your brain young

Listening to music you’ve loved all your life can do more than make you feel good. People experiencing mild cognitive impairment or even early-stage Alzheimer’s symptoms can listen to music and re-shape their brains to prevent a progression. But not just any music will do…

Joyce Hollman

Superbugs: The not-so-sweet side effect of a food additive

Trehalose is used to sweeten and extend the shelf life of products, It’s in in everything from gum to nutrition bars. But when you eat foods with trehalose, it’s like scattering birdseed to attract birds to your yard. Except in this case, you’re feeding deadly bacteria and inviting it to thrive in your gut.

Joyce Hollman

Mental or physical stress: Which is worse for the heart

High blood pressure. High cholesterol. Diabetes. These are all major risk factors for heart disease. But more and more research is pointing to another candidate that may be a bigger trigger for heart attack than any of these well-known factors.

Carolyn Gretton

The link between oral health and viral defense

The mouth can be a gateway for all kinds of viruses, including the one that causes COVID-19. And now, researchers have discovered how keeping your mouth healthy can help defend against these viruses — and how letting your oral health lapse can reduce that protection…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising mask danger no one’s talking about

Wearing face masks hasn’t gotten easier. Some of us experience skin rashes. They make our noses itch. And it feels like it’s harder to breathe. But if you wear glasses you have to deal with another problem: foggy glasses. And people are reaching for a solution that can lead to impaired thyroid and immune function down the road…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Olive oil tied to reduced mortality from 4 major health threats

It’s no secret that olive oil is a heart-healthy alternative. But the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says it can do even more. How do they know? They followed 92,000 people for 28 years and the results are too good to pass up…

Joyce Hollman

Chronic inflammation: Your brain’s single biggest threat

Until about a decade ago, scientists believed we had a finite number of brain cells that could not be replaced, and that, over time, we continue to lose those brain cells. We now understand they can, in fact, regenerate themselves — and have identified the most significant source of their destruction…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Common prescriptions can amplify a flu infection

It never hurts to take extra precaution, especially when it comes to the flu. And we have an new reason too, that surprisingly isn’t due to COVID-19. It has to do with common medications found to amplify or dampen how your body reacts to a flu infection.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The simplest step to grow your brain’s white matter

With the global incidence of dementia expected to double every 20 years, combatting cognitive decline has become serious business for researchers. If you’re ready to get just as serious, they’ve found a simple step to grow your white matter day by day.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 reasons to be wary of cannabis

Cannabis has been making big news for its health potential over the last few years. So much so, it’s practically mainstream. However, despite all the interest, there may be a catch… or two or three to know before you decide if it’s for you or not.

Carolyn Gretton

‘Long COVID’ may not be connected to severity after all

The “long COVID” phenomenon has been somewhat poorly understood. But researchers are starting to unravel the mysteries surrounding long-haul symptoms that persist months after infection, as well as finding you could be in for a long haul even if your bout with COVID-19 wasn’t that severe…

Carolyn Gretton

The grapes-gut connection that lowers cholesterol

It’s always a good thing to include fruit in your diet. Most of us don’t eat enough of it, but now we’ve certainly got more reason to — especially when it comes to grapes and the special effect they have on gut bacteria.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two popular herbs reveal recipe for anti-cancer compounds

We often forget that Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet often holds the answer to so many of the illnesses that we suffer from. The latest: two popular Italian herbs that could go from farm to table to cancer treatment…

Carolyn Gretton

Phytic acid: The antinutrient found in healthy foods

We tend to see phytic acid as something to avoid because of its reputation as an antinutrient. But this plant-based substance isn’t all bad. In fact, it has some health benefits that could offset its potential for causing mineral deficiencies. So let’s dig into the conundrum…

Carolyn Gretton

The ancient spice that tackles a modern-day plague: Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation is linked to a host of problems, from obesity to autoimmune conditions to depression. So researchers are exploring ways to directly target inflammation in people at risk. It turns out a long-used ancient anti-inflammatory spice could help with these modern-day problems…

Joyce Hollman

Health risks that could decrease if dentists talked to doctors

The connection between gum disease and more serious health problems is no secret. But recent large-scale research has painted a more comprehensive picture, and it’s not pretty. It’s time to stop thinking of the mouth as an independent system of its own…

Joyce Hollman

When women practice self-compassion, their hearts benefit

If you’ve cracked open a magazine or gotten online, you’ve seen lots of terms you might chalk up to New Age fads or practices, like “self-care” and “mindfulness.” News flash: beyond helping with stress, one specific practice made improvements to women’s hearts that could be seen in their arteries…

Joyce Hollman

Black beans: Potent ingredient for insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is when a body’s response to the hormone insulin is impaired and glucose in the blood cannot be used for energy. The next step is usually diabetes. Beans and legumes are great for people with insulin resistance, but black beans just may take the cake…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 rules to overcome chronic pain from a Survivor champion

Chronic pain is a fact of life for over 20 percent of adults. And if you’re part of that one in five, you know just how much of an impact that pain can have on your ability to work, play and simply enjoy your life. But what if you could learn to “reframe your pain” to better manage it? Pain science says it works.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Stroke warning: The significant impact of anger and exertion

Stroke is a leading cause of disability and death worldwide. Many health conditions can increase risk for stroke including high blood pressure and diabetes, but when researchers looked closer, they found two common things happening in the hour before a stroke that pushed those risks over the edge.

Easy Health Options Staff

Why poor sleep causes heartburn (and vice versa)

We all need a good night’s sleep. That’s a gut feeling for most people. But sometimes discomfort within the gut is what hurts our ability to get deep, restful sleep. To make matters worse, it tuns out the process can occur in reverse: Sleep disorders are believed to trigger the stomach, too…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Stress: What it does to your DNA to speed aging

Science has discovered how to go beyond chronological age (the number of years you’ve lived) to measure biological age (the rate at which your cells age) using epigenetic clocks. They track chemical changes in DNA that not only helps predict health but also lifespan. And they’re finding too many of us aging faster thanks to the same culprit…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The only 4 cholesterol foods you should avoid

Which is worse for your heart: an egg or a hot dog? Think about it. Since the amount of cholesterol in a food doesn’t always correlate with raising your cholesterol, which high cholesterol foods are the worst culprits for elevating bad cholesterol levels? The doctor says it’s these four…

Carolyn Gretton

3 dietary molecules linked to aggressive prostate cancer

While most men with prostate cancer recover completely, the outlook is grim for the handful diagnosed with an aggressive form of the disease. But research has identified three molecules — and the foods they come from — showing that the place to start to change your fate is your gut…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The good deed that shows up in your blood work

There’s growing evidence that many of the worst and most chronic diseases, including coronary artery disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s may be riding the same steed: inflammation. But there’s a simple, non-medicated fix that works so well at dousing it, you can see the proof in your blood work…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Study finds a handful of heavy metals clogging major arteries

Some experts have said that at least 31 percent of the cardiovascular disease burden in the world could be avoided if environmental pollutants were eliminated. So when researchers looked at the association between toxic heavy metals and the body’s major arteries, they were shocked, but not surprised…

Joyce Hollman

Discovery shows how omega-3s help prevent stroke

Hardening of the arteries is a dangerous factor that can increase a person’s risk for stroke. It’s associated with chronic inflammation that damages blood vessels and hinders self-repair from mechanisms called resolvins. That’s where omega-3s come into the picture…

Joyce Hollman

An urgent reason to pamper your liver: Air pollution

Fatty liver disease isn’t new. What is new is learning its impact on metabolic health is so strong it’s now called Metabolic-associated liver disease, and that with every breath you take, you’re increasing your odds of the most common indication for liver transplantation. Start here to reduce your risks…

Joyce Hollman

Why giving up saturated fats can lead to heart trouble

Are you a label reader? Do you review the fat content of almost every product before adding it to your grocery cart? We’re not judging but we do want to share some new evidence that will blow all your concerns about saturated fats and heart trouble out of the water — and make life easier…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why your skin could sky rocket your autoimmune disease risk

I’ve always been fascinated by medical mysteries… Like the man who looks like he’s part tree. Or the girl who doesn’t age. But a medical mystery doesn’t have to be bizarre and extraordinary to capture my attention. Take the mysterious connection between women and autoimmune disease…

Jenny Smiechowski

The fatal side effect of prescription sleep aids

Insomnia stinks. But, sometimes, you’d do almost anything for sleep, right? However, if you do turn to prescription sleep aids to get some zzz’s on occasion, there’s something you should know… They threaten lives more often than those commercials with the calming, sleep-inducing butterfly lead you to believe.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Could moves like Jagger help your heart just as much?

Mick Jagger, the 75-year-old frontman for the Rolling Stones, underwent heart surgery about a month ago. But you’d never know it from this video… If you want to bounce back from any kind of surgery, especially heart surgery, there are a few things you could learn from Mr. Jagger, including his dance moves…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet-bacteria combination that could stop colon cancer

Did you know that teams of scientists and doctors across the world are now taking a step back from the traditional prescription for deadly diseases like colorectal cancer and beginning to dig deeper into how you can use combinations of diet and natural supplements to not only prevent them but stop their spread?

Joyce Hollman

5 ways empty calories hook you and the weird way to break up

What should you do when you smell warm cookies or French fries and you really, really want some? Walk away, of course. Stop smelling them and you’ll stop wanting them. You may find this hard to believe, but one of the best ways to curb your desire for, say, those French fries your friend is eating, is to…

Jenny Smiechowski

Can this carb curb a creeping waistline?

If you’re struggling to lose weight, there’s one piece of advice no one will ever give you: Eat more carbs. Well, I know at least one carb-y food you can add to the “nice” rather than “naughty” list as you work to get your weight in check…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Medicinal mint’s ancient healing secrets decoded in the lab

Have you ever noticed that the second scientists discover that a natural substance like an herb or plant can help promote better health or fight disease, they immediately begin using it to design a drug that pharmaceutical companies can sell for a ridiculously high profit?

Joyce Hollman

Why cancer is still lurking in your drinking water

There are poisonous, cancer-causing chemicals in your drinking water. If you’re thinking you’ve heard this from us before, you’re right. Chemical companies are still hiding these poisons or disguising them as something else. Bottom line: A year later, you’re still drinking poison. Take these steps to protect yourself…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Unsugarcoated: The high glycemic path to metabolic disease

When people hear mention of the glycemic index (GI), they often think about measuring carbs and sugars. But it’s also about measuring disease risk. That’s because insulin is the all-important hormone for each cell of your body. When problems develop, they can go from blood sugar spike to disease fast…

Jenny Smiechowski

The breakfast that increases risk of death from heart disease 87%

Whether I’m whipping up a quick smoothie or digging into an omelet and toast, I love breakfast. I know not everyone is a breakfast person. But I have a hard time understanding how that can be… If you’re not, I have bad news. Your breakfast habits (or lack thereof) are putting your heart in jeopardy…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The fast way to fight 3 ways your body ages

You may know of someone who has used fasting to lose weight, get their diabetes under control or just get healthier. But besides helping to drop weight — it helps boost human metabolic activity, generate antioxidants and reverse some effects of aging by elevating levels of certain metabolites that diminish naturally with age…

Joyce Hollman

How sleep makes more room in your brain for memories

The brain has been compared to a computer. It takes in information, processes it, and stores it away in our memories. But just how does this happen? And how can we help things along? A recently published study took a close look at what’s going on in our brain when it’s at work forming permanent memories for us.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The vitamin you didn’t know could help prevent heart attack

Analyzing the bloodwork of patients who’ve suffered heart attack has revealed a common problem — low levels of a vitamin that helps regulate blood flow, lower blood pressure and the levels of oxidative stress in your cardiovascular system. You might say it turns back the clock on your veins, arteries and heart.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why diabetes causes cancer to spread

There are a lot of downsides to living with diabetes. But there’s one big downside that might not be on your radar — cancer. A new study shows that not only are people with diabetes more likely to develop cancer, they’re also more likely to develop the kind that spreads. It comes down to a trigger you must control…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3+ ridiculous reasons research is being funded to keep you away from vitamins

I’m a fan of The Big Bang Theory. In my favorite episode, Sheldon tells Amy that all vitamin supplements can do is give you “very expensive urine,” a conclusion that’s not far off from that of the recent study questioning the use of vitamins. But their ridiculous reasons are sitcom-worthy…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The dirty trick your brain plays that makes you gain more weight when stressed

If you’re an occasional junk food muncher when life is on cruise control… but especially lean towards sugary, gooey high-calorie foods when stress derails you, pay close attention to the dirty trick your brain plays on you that gets your body to stop burning calories…

Joyce Hollman

Studies find not-so-sweet links between popular sweetener, cancer and diabetes

The makers of artificial sweeteners have taken full advantage of the data to make a case for their products. But one after the other, “safe” artificial sweeteners have been unmasked as the health hazards they really are.

Jenny Smiechowski

Glyphosate triggers generational toxicology that could harm your family line

If you’re trying to decide if glyphosate (the chemical in Roundup) is harmful to your health, good luck. It’s hard to get a straight answer. Many organizations categorize it as a probable human carcinogen, except for the EPA. Whether an immediate concern for you or not, research says your family line could suffer…

Joyce Hollman

4 breakfast foods that will boost your brain power

What you choose to eat in the morning can have a very real effect on your brain power and focus for the rest of the day. But the right “brain foods” can help you put together some powerhouse breakfasts. Here are the top four brain-fueling breakfast foods that can help you stay sharp daylight to dark…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

8 ways to beat a genetic predisposition for cardiovascular disease

Many of my patients who have a family history of heart issues seem to resign themselves to the fact that they will experience the same fate as their relatives. There’s nothing further from the truth. Genetics is not destiny. It is merely a predisposition. And that means you have a big say in your outcome…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

10 minutes a day is all it takes to keep osteoarthritis from stealing your independence

Most people think cancer is about the worst thing that could happen. As a health researcher, I’m no exception and spend a lot of time looking for ways to diminish that risk. But there are other health issues that may not seem as scary — but can disrupt and derail your life just as much… maybe even more…

Joyce Hollman

The super salad six (and then some) that saves your brain

The importance of eating dark, leafy green vegetables is something you’ve heard me talk about before. The chlorophyll that makes them green fights cancer, heals wounds and detoxifies the liver. That’s why leafy greens are a central part of healing diets — even one that could help you eat your way to a stronger brain.

Jenny Smiechowski

30 foods that pack a punch against postmenopausal breast cancer

During menopause, everything about your body (and life) is in flux… Your risk for breast cancer increases after 40 and keeps going up. It’s at its highest after your 70th birthday. Luckily, a new study just identified a plant compound that can help keep you breast cancer-free during those midlife changes and beyond…

Jenny Smiechowski

What your sense of smell says about your lifespan

A slight decline in your senses as you get older is normal. But even though diminishing senses are a normal part of aging, there is one sense you should pay close attention to if it starts to go south — your sense of smell. For one reason, it could also be an early sign of a few serious diseases…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What the chemical that gives chilies their kick does to lung cancer

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths. But, why is it so deadly compared to other cancers? Often it’s simply not found early enough to stop its spread. And, once it’s metastasized to other parts of the body, it’s extremely difficult to treat. But science may have found a new tool to help stop it…

Dr. Michael Cutler

More than measuring carbs: The glycemic index and disease risk

You must have sugar to survive. But sugar is bad for you, right? It all depends on the way sugar is presented to your body. That’s where glycemic index comes in. Let’s look at the ways sugar heals…or kills you.

Joyce Hollman

Exercise ‘snacking’ may be the best new trend anyone can do

What kind of exercise is best? And how much is enough? What if you just can’t stand to work up a sweat and keep at it for long? Well, there’s more evidence that you don’t have to exercise yourself into oblivion — instead, grabbing a little here and a little there can be quite beneficial…

Margaret Cantwell

Foods that lead to premature aging and the best that beat it

In just the last few years, discoveries regarding telomeres and mitochondria have provided big clues into how to live longer healthier. But in my group of friends, I get asked about another kind of anti-aging quite often. The kind everyone wants to know how to drastically slow… The kind that shows on your face and skin.

Joyce Hollman

3+ ways the golden spice is your golden ticket to great health

Of all the spices in your cabinet, there’s one that is arguably head and shoulders above the rest in terms of disease-fighting properties. But it’s time to give you an update: Studies have explored even more benefits of this spice that’s been prized for thousands of years, both for its flavor and its healing properties…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ‘skinny’ on black seed oil and diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is rampant. But there’s some weight behind something that just might be Mother Nature’s answer to blood sugar and weight problems — two health issues that often go hand in hand. If you haven’t heard of this Egyptian secret, here’s what you need to know…