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Carolyn Gretton

The damage a high-fat diet can do to your heart

There are benefits to high-fat, low-carb diets, particularly for weight loss and brain conditions like epilepsy. But there’s no denying the damage fat can do to your heart. Researchers have uncovered a connection between diets high in fat and a certain protein that can wreak havoc with your cardiac health…

Eddie Perry

The dangerous link between herbicide and Parkinson’s

Scientists believe a combination of genetic and environmental factors may contribute to Parkinson’s disease, a neurological disorder that usually affects a person’s motor skills and movement. When it comes to environmental concerns, a certain herbicide has a strong connection to the disease.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

An apple a day to keep aging brains sharp

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, we hear. But could it also keep brain aging at bay? That’s what some new research indicates. But if you don’t like apples, no worries. There are other sources of this brain-boosting nutrient…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Red ginseng shown effective at suppressing lung cancer

Red ginseng has quite a reputation in traditional Korean medicine. It’s used as a tea, extract and supplement for various ailments, and is reported to have strong anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-cancer properties. Now, scientists have discovered two molecules in the root that can stop the spread of lung cancer, with the help of a microwave.

Joyce Hollman

The stroke danger that masquerades as vision loss

Strokes don’t only happen in the brain. Retinal artery occlusion is a stroke that happens in the eye. The only symptom may be diminished vision. But an “eye stroke” is considered a medical emergency, meaning minutes count not only to avoid permanent vision loss but to prevent another serious event…

Joyce Hollman

The one drink breast cancer survivors should avoid

Despite increased awareness of the downsides of soda, half the population consumes sugary drinks on a given day. One in four people gets at least 200 calories from soda, while five percent get at least 567, the equivalent of four cans of soda a day. For a breast cancer survivor, that could be a death sentence. Here’s why and the drink to toast your longevity to instead.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What doesn’t work against belly fat — and what does

Fasting has become popular of late. Recent research, though, has shown that even intermittent fasting might not be enough to bust belly fat. But the research did get the fat to give up the skinny on why it’s so difficult, and that’s information you can use to master your strategy to win the battle of the bulge…

Carolyn Gretton

A low-dose aspirin a day may keep the worst of COVID-19 away

Aspirin has been around as an anti-inflammatory for more than a century. And new health benefits associated with this old-school medicine are still being uncovered today. In fact, researchers may have found a link between low-dose aspirin use and protection against COVID-19…

Joyce Hollman

You’re never too old to change your diet and save your brain

The Mediterranean diet is well known for its multiple health benefits, including heart health, weight loss and cancer prevention. Now, researchers in Scotland have added brain health to that list. Sticking to a Mediterranean style of eating can keep your brain sharp well into your senior years.

Carolyn Gretton

How type 2 diabetes may increase risk for Parkinson’s disease

Aging can come with higher risks of many diseases, including type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. These two diseases may seem unrelated, but they share a lot of the same characteristics inside the body. And now it appears there may be a definite link between type 2 diabetes and your risk for Parkinson’s.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Tea’s blood pressure-lowering compounds identified

Lowering blood pressure can be challenging. After all, to get it down, most doctors recommend changing your diet, getting more exercise or taking loads of medications, sometimes stacked one on top of another. But lowering your BP a few more notches can be as simple as a cup of tea.

Joyce Hollman

How a plant-based diet cured an ‘incurable’ skin disease

There’s tons of evidence that eating mostly fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help prevent and even cure many conditions, from eczema to arthritis to diabetes and heart disease. But some people remain skeptical. Here’s one woman’s true story of what can happen when you switch to a plant-based diet.

Carolyn Gretton

Why espresso could negate coffee’s heart-healthy benefits

Much has been written about coffee’s health benefits, but one area that’s been murky is whether coffee helps or hurts heart health. Now, another study has confirmed that drinking coffee made a particular way, and used as the basis for some of our favorite coffee house beverages, can actually raise the risk of cardiovascular disease…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Spirulina may reduce severity of a COVID-19 infection

We owe a debt of gratitude to all the frontline workers who’ve taken care of the sick, and to the scientists developing vaccines so we can begin returning to some sense of normalcy. But during this crisis, it’s also been great to see research come out proving the power of nutrition.

Joyce Hollman

Warning: Spring flowers spell danger for your pets

Those blooms you bring into your home this spring could spell discomfort and even worse for your furry friends. Here’s the lowdown on some popular flowers, how they can poison your pet and what to do if you think your cat or dog has eaten them.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How urinary tract infections can lead to bladder cancer

Pain, burning, urgency — each of these symptoms will sound familiar if you’ve ever suffered from a urinary tract infection. And the likelihood is, you have. And while the pain and symptoms of the infection themselves are bad enough, according to a new study, having a urinary tract infection could be a signal of far worse to come…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

When a heart attack ‘comes out of the blue’

Do you know someone whose heart attack seemed to “come out of the blue? While it’s hard to understand how someone can seem fine one day and suffer a major heart event the next day, it happens. Cardiologist Dr. Elizabeth Klodas explains how, why and what’s lurking below the surface that even a stress test can miss — and how to help guard against it.

Carolyn Gretton

The juice/supplement combo that eases rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, chances are you’ve experienced side effects from your medication, so you may be aware of alternatives that relieve your symptoms. One such alternative, fish oil, has shown the ability to ease RA symptoms. You can ramp us those effects by taking it with the right juice…

Joyce Hollman

The liver link to coronary artery disease

Your liver health is a big deal. But your heart health ends up in the spotlight more often. Considering the role the liver has been found to play in coronary artery disease, that maybe chanigng…

Carolyn Gretton

Why people with blood type A may be more susceptible to COVID-19

Scientists have found that certain blood types seem to be more susceptible to COVID-19, but so far they haven’t really been sure why. A recent study may shed more light on the connection between blood type and contracting COVID-19…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

For women only: Fiber could be the key to happiness

There’s no doubt fiber’s part of a healthy diet. Yet, we mostly think about what it does for the gut, like promoting regularity or stopping the bloat. There’s one more way adding the power of fiber to your life could improve your health (and even your happiness)…

Joyce Hollman

What energy drinks do to your heart muscle

Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine and sugar. For that reason alone, they’ve always been questionable at best when it comes to your health. But now, research has pinpointed other chemicals in these drinks that damage your kidneys and set you up for heart failure.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Protective psychedelics may rewire the brain following stroke

In the United States, someone suffers a stroke every 40 seconds. For survivors, the road to recovery can be long and hard. But trials are underway to test a hallucinogenic drug that may minimize the damage to the brain that occurs during a stroke.

Carolyn Gretton

The not-so-sweet way fructose damages the immune system

Fructose has been a common food additive for decades, and its overconsumption is known to cause issues with the liver and insulin resistance, a precursor to obesity and diabetes. What hasn’t been as clear is how fructose impacts the immune system, and that’s a gamble with high stakes right now.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The truth about HDL: ‘Good cholesterol’ isn’t so good

For years we’ve been told to watch our cholesterol, keeping our so-called “bad” cholesterol down and our “good” cholesterol up. But what if that advice was wrong and we’ve been operating under a false sense of security? There’s much more banking on HDL than we ever realized.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5+ reasons women over 50 should weight train

Walk into any gym and you’ll notice a great divide, with women hitting the treadmills and ellipticals, while the men lay claim to the weight machines. It’s a divide that seems to only get greater with age. But if you’re a woman over 50, skipping the weights in favor of just cardio could be a big mistake.

Joyce Hollman

High protein for weight loss? Make sure your kidneys can handle it

A high-protein diet can be an extremely effective weight loss plan. It usually goes hand in hand with a low-carb diet. But before you jump into changing your ways, consider the health of your kidneys. If not, you could end up with a bigger problem than a few extra pounds.

Carolyn Gretton

The link between nighttime light and your thyroid

We use more artificial light than ever at night, both indoors and outdoors, and it’s affecting our health. Night light use is connected with a higher risk of obesity, depression, sleep disorders and diabetes. And according to researchers, it may be raising our risk of a particular type of cancer…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Vitamin B6 joins the fight against COVID-19

Vaccines are now available for COVID-19, but many people are struggling to get an appointment. Research has explored the benefits of vitamins D and C and minerals like zinc and magnesium in fortifying the immune system against the virus. But one critical vitamin has been missing, until now.

Joyce Hollman

Where do you fall on the food addiction scale?

If you were in the clutches of drugs or alcohol, you’d want out. It’s time to think about foods that are bringing your health down the same way, foods that are engineered to addict you. Here’s insight into the worst culprits and how to break free.

Joyce Hollman

The extra life-saving benefits of exercise for diabetics

It’s hard to think of a condition that exercise won’t help. It slows the growth of cancer, boosts HDL cholesterol and lowers LDLs that clog arteries and cause stroke. But is it as beneficial for type 2 diabetics? Doubly so… Just take a look at what it does for glucose and insulin control and heart attack risk…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to fight superbugs with this simple supplement

Looking for a simple way to protect yourself against bacterial infections… especially those scary superbugs you’ve been hearing about? Well, there may be safe and cheap way to do just that. In fact, you may be able to fend off those nasty bacterial infections with…

Joyce Hollman

When vertigo signals something more serious

When your vestibular system is damaged, you may have episodes of vertigo, a general term for a sensation of dizziness. But there are six lesser-known conditions that cause vertigo and loss of balance, along with other symptoms that can often resemble signs of stroke or brain tumors…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Here is a method helping migraine sufferers everywhere

Migraines=misery. After an exhaustive review of more than 180 studies on migraines and diet, researchers at the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center were able to identify four of the most likely dietary triggers — and what to eat for relief.

Craig Cooper

Why coffee is even better for you after 45

When it comes to drinking coffee, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, per se. However, if you are among the hundreds of millions of coffee drinkers in the world, there’s significant proof that coffee is very healthy habit, but even more so if you’re on the mature side…

Jenny Smiechowski

Is bacteria behind your hair loss?

If you’ve been following microbiome medicine, this may not be a shocker… It seems like every health condition around can be connected to the community of bacteria and other microorganisms living in your body. The good news is, if this is true, then a healthy gut may be able to curb or reverse your hair loss…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Genetics or exercise: Which wins at weight loss?

While it’s perfectly normal to look at your family and wonder, “how in the world can I ever beat my genetics,” the truth is that your weight has far more to do with your daily choices than you might think. But a big part of the puzzle is your age…

Joyce Hollman

The little-known mineral that fights arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer

There’s a trace mineral you’re almost certainly overlooking… It’s a “gatekeeper” for most of the important vitamins and minerals your body needs. This often-ignored mineral makes nutrients accessible to your body, preventing some of the conditions we fear most with age…

Jenny Smiechowski

Five scientifically-supported health benefits of saunas

1,628 men and women between 53 and 74 years old were divided into groups and given a hard job… to sit in a sauna for a few minutes, anywhere from one day a week to seven days a week. And one group slashed their stroke risk more than 60 percent. Any guesses?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How fiber now could help you fight off next year’s flu

Traditional methods for fighting the flu have some stiff competition. Previous studies have shown fiber fights inflammatory diseases, like asthma and allergies. So researchers wondered… could fiber help your body’s immune system work better at protecting you from flu?

Jenny Smiechowski

How alcohol fuels cancer-causing bacteria

The connection between the community of bacteria that call your body home and disease is the cutting edge of medicine right now. And it looks like alcohol seems to fuel the bad stuff — the strains tied to cancer, heart disease and other health problems…

Joyce Hollman

10 essential oils for a clean toxin-free home

While essential oils are a healthy alternative to toxic cleansers and chemicals, they are typically concentrated and pack and powerful punch. But with a littler know-how, they’re an effective and safe alternative to harsh commercial cleaners. Here’s how to use them…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

The surge in Lyme disease: Should you worry?

Lyme disease is a complicated condition, but that doesn’t mean we’re powerless. By integrating conventional protocols, together with complementary approaches and targeted supplements, we can help optimize health and vitality over time…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 supplements to soothe depression

When you’re mired in the blackness of depression, it can seem if you’re completely alone, caught in a downward spiral you can never get out of. The last thing you need is negative side effects. The good news is that those medications are NOT your only solution…

Joyce Hollman

Daily habits that are surprisingly bad for your joints

It doesn’t take an injury or a degenerative disease to do damage to our joints. In fact, there are innocent daily habits you may be doing over and over again that are destroying your joints. They may seem harmless, but they can take a toll, causing pain and mobility issues. Check out these 10 and see if you’re guilty of them…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Why you may wake up tomorrow with high blood pressure

31 million more Americans suddenly now have hypertension. Does that shock you? What’s even more shocking is that it’s by no fault of their own. The American College of Cardiology has provided new lowered criteria, so now anyone is fair game for their medicine…

Jenny Smiechowski

A supplement to remember your dreams and sleep deep

This could be the first step toward lucid dreaming. And, believe it or not, lucid dreaming has a bunch of potential benefits. People have used lucid dreaming to overcome nightmares, treat phobias, practice creative problem solving, refine motor skills and even recover from physical trauma.

Margaret Cantwell

Calcium trumps cholesterol at saving your heart

Plaque is nasty stuff. It consists of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin. And of course when it clogs your arteries, you’re in for a world of hurt. So, the two “ingredients” from this recipe that stand out are calcium and cholesterol. Which do you think is your biggest concern?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 proven summer cold remedies (slideshow)

If you end up with the dreaded summer cold, there’s not a lot your doctor can do for you and their normal advice is to rest and wait it out. However, there are a few things you can do at home to alleviate your symptoms, stimulate your immune system to fight off the virus and feel better quicker.

Jenny Smiechowski

The protein trick that helps seniors keep their strength

It starts in your 30s, and by the time you reach your 70s, you may have lost as much as 50 percent of your muscle mass. That’s why sarcopenia is one of the top causes of frailty, poor mobility and falls in older people. So does that mean you’re doomed to a future of weak muscles and waning independence?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

4 serious ways inflammation makes you sick

Most of us think of joint problems when we hear the word inflammation. But, inflammation is behind a number of serious health problems that could be waiting in the wings, ready to attack and rob you of your well-being. Here are the top four health risks caused by inflammation and what to do to stop it…

Jenny Smiechowski

10 signs of the most fatal heart condition

If you experience any of these symptoms without a reasonable explanation (like the flu or another illness), run, don’t walk to the hospital. Don’t shrug them off. It could cost you your life. Plus… if you commit this simple information to memory now, it may save someone else’s life too…

Craig Cooper

Pros, cons and your prostate on the keto diet

There’s a lot to understand about the Keto diet, and much you should know before you decide whether you’re jumping on board or not, including the pros and cons. And if you’re a man, you probably want to know how the keto diet may or may not impact your prostate health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Home remedies for nail fungus

There’s not much worse than a nail fungus this time of year when everyone’s wearing their cute sandals. What is a nail fungus anyway? And why would you get one? I’ll explain and we’ll get you fixed up with these home remedies for nail fungus as effective as a prescription.

Joyce Hollman

4+ ways melatonin guards against Alzheimer’s

Many people supplement this hormone when they experience sleep problems. But research has now shown us that we should be taking melatonin even if we’re sleeping well. Because, if you start taking it soon enough, you may just be able to fend off Alzheimer’s disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Tips for alkalizing your diet for peak health

Managing your body’s pH level can help fight health conditions like high blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes. It’s also been shown to reduce chronic pain and cause the death of cancer cells. Here are the most important tips for shifting to an alkaline diet.

Joyce Hollman

7 odd symptoms that signal menopause (tinnitus, too?)

Hot flashes, mood swings and trouble sleeping are nearly-universal symptoms of peri-menopause. Many a joke has been made about women wearing shorts in the dead of winter. But there are subtle signs your body may send, and knowing them can make relief easier…

Jenny Smiechowski

The pills that make you more depressed

If you’ve dealt with depression during your life, you’ve probably explored all available options to put your dark days behind you. That may have included trying antidepressant drugs. Maybe they worked for you. But if they didn’t, you’re not alone …

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The Traditional Chinese Medicine way to fight type 2 diabetes

When you pop a pill, like metformin, and expect everything to be okay… but end up with some unwanted side effects like muscle pain, trouble breathing, confusion, irritability, fatigue, dizziness and more, it might be time to think outside of the box…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

How to improve your circulation with foods and supplements

Blood flow helps transport nutrients and oxygen to organs while removing waste and toxins. Without good blood flow, health can come to a grinding halt. There are a number of specific foods, herbs and supplements that can support circulation and promote your cardiovascular health.