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Joyce Hollman

Why giving up saturated fats can lead to heart trouble

Are you a label reader? Do you review the fat content of almost every product before adding it to your grocery cart? We’re not judging but we do want to share some new evidence that will blow all your concerns about saturated fats and heart trouble out of the water — and make life easier…

Carolyn Gretton

Why are more of us more exhausted than ever?

A survey of 2000 respondents has found that an alarming 59 percent of us feel permanently short of energy. Just as many feel disjointed and unfocused. Worse, they say sleep isn’t the answer. Why do more of us feel more exhausted than ever before, and what can we do about it?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One more risk of too little exercise: Pneumonia

Winter is here, and you know what that means: Your chances of getting sick and ending up with pneumonia are higher than at any other time of the year. And if you still haven’t gotten the message about the harms of a couch potato lifestyle, you’re missing out on the easiest intervention that works across all age groups.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

For women, hormones could wreak havoc on arteries

When it comes to your arteries, you want the consistency of a wet noodle, not an uncooked piece of pasta. Otherwise your risks go up for heart problems. Yet, age isn’t the only thing that can stiffen our arteries. From birth control pills to menopause, women face a unique risk that can have serious consequences…

Carolyn Gretton

The vitamin deficiency that doubles risk for heart trouble

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the No. 1 cause of death worldwide. And though we’re familiar with the three main risk factors for CVD — high cholesterol, high blood pressure and smoking — research has uncovered another, less-obvious factor that can double your risk for heart trouble…

Carolyn Gretton

Eat this dairy daily to lower blood pressure by almost 7 points

If you have high blood pressure, you know how tough it can be to get that reading down to normal levels, even with medication. That’s why researchers are exploring alternative ways to lower blood pressure — and they may have found one in this popular food already known for plentiful health benefits…

Carolyn Gretton

Experts may have found ‘fountain of youth’ in tiny seed

We’ll do just about anything we can to extend our lifespan, whether it’s following an anti-aging diet or exercise regimen — or as involved as using hyperbaric oxygen therapy. In all those efforts, there’s one goal scientists continue to chase: the ability to swallow one pill to stop aging. And they are inching ever closer…

Joyce Hollman

What you should know about peripheral artery disease

Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, is similar to coronary artery disease. Both involve a buildup of plaque inside the arteries, which slows the flow of blood that nourishes all parts of the body and increases risk for blood clots. Scary thing is, it’s considered a “silent disease.” Here’s what to watch for…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Good news for your bones if you’ve passed menopause

Saying the word “menopause” immediately conjures up images of hot flashes, night sweats and bones becoming frail and prone to fracture. However, while menopause isn’t always a walk in the park, everything post menopause isn’t always bad news…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

12-year study finds 8 foods to beat cognitive decline

More evidence is stacking up that, when it comes to keeping your brain at its best, what you eat counts. According to research that spanned 12 years, there are eight foods you’ll want to make a part of your regular diet if you want to ward off cognitive impairment and dementia as you age — and one to avoid like the plague…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Short of breath? It could be COVID-19 heart damage

If you’ve recovered from even a mild bout with COVID-19, you know that even the weeks and months following an initial infection are no walk in the park. But if it’s been a year and a walk in the park leaves you breathless, you may not be scot-free quite yet. It could be a sign of problems you need to watch closely…

Joyce Hollman

Got 10 hours? Use it to turn metabolic syndrome around

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of symptoms affecting one-third of American adults that increases risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke. If you have excess belly fat, high cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, you may be one of them. If you’ve got 10 hours, you can turn it around before it’s too late.

Jenny Smiechowski

Reversing age-related brain shrinkage is easier than you think

As you get older, the size of a certain vital organ becomes more and more important — your brain. That’s because, typically, the older you get, the smaller your brain volume gets. And if this shrinkage gets too out of hand, you end up with a serious cognitive impairment like dementia.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why cool temps could slow down autoimmune diseases like MS

By definition an autoimmune disorder is one in which your own immune system goes haywire, attacking the healthy tissue in your body, causing the disease. MS is one such disease. New research shows its symptoms may be improved and progress prossibly slowed with a change of temperature. Here’s why…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

New way walnuts improve cholesterol discovered

From controlling type 2 diabetes to stopping cancer in its tracks, if you want to stay in tip-top shape, nuts could be your ticket to a longer, healthier life. And it looks like the benefits of walnuts just keep stacking up, especially where heart health is concerned…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Women with long COVID may need extra help regaining activity levels

You’ve certainly heard of long Covid, the phenomenon where people “recover” from the virus that causes COVID-19 but are left with a laundry list of symptoms. However, what you might not know is that if you’re a woman living with long Covid, you may have an extra hard time getting back to normal life, especially if you enjoyed an active lifestyle.

Joyce Hollman

How to tell if it’s age-related memory problems or Alzheimer’s

Memory problems can be unnerving, especially when we get older. It’s easy to begin second-guessing everything and wondering whether you’re simply forgetful or if something worse is happening — like Alzheimer’s. How can you tell the difference? Here are a few things to take note of…

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising connection between MS and the sun

Sun exposure may be rough on the skin, but it has a lot of upsides for our sleep, mood and vitamin D levels. And now researchers are discovering that the benefits of sunlight may go even further by protecting us from certain autoimmune diseases…

Carolyn Gretton

Catching AMD before you start losing vision

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of sight loss in the Western world. And most people don’t know they have it until they’re already losing their sight. Researchers have been looking for ways to catch AMD before that point, and they may have identified some new early warning signs that can help them do it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

10 steps to simplify living heart healthy

To lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, we’re told to eat a heart-healthy diet. What exactly is heart-healthy? Is it only eating certain types of foods and eliminating others? Or is there a way to get to that elusive heart-healthy status without feeling deprived? Yes, according to these new rules…

Joyce Hollman

11 exotic superfruits with supersized nutrition

Instead of dreaming of tropical islands this winter, why not try some exotic fruits that hail from warmer climates? Here are 11 exotic “superfruits” that are fun to try, and packed with enough nutritional power to dispel the winter doldrums and most anything else that ails you…

Carolyn Gretton

Why more men are getting thyroid cancer

It’s been known for some time that people who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of getting certain cancers, including thyroid cancer. But it’s been unclear exactly how many cases of thyroid cancer are connected with weight — until now — and the findings should be a wake up call, especially for men…

Joyce Hollman

Study finds inflammatory foods feed Alzheimer’s and dementia

Research shows inflammation is a driving force behind obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Now research is stacking up that connects it with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The good news? Foods feed that inflammation in a dose-dependent manner and a change of diet could make a big difference.

Joyce Hollman

Weird causes and signs of low blood pressure

Low blood pressure, or hypotension, comes with its own set of troublesome symptoms. And, just like high blood pressure, it may also be a signal of other things going wrong in the body — surprisingly enough, even with your thyroid…

Carolyn Gretton

How grains can dash diabetes by more than 30 percent

The average American eats less than one daily serving of whole grains, and some studies show that over 40 percent of Americans never eat whole grains at all. When you know what whole grains can do for blood sugar, it’s no wonder so many Americans are in trouble…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The unexpected truth behind AFib triggers

AFib skyrockets your stroke risk. By throwing your heart out of rhythm, the condition can result in blood clots being released, blocking blood flow to your brain. If that wasn’t bad enough, strokes caused by AFib tend to be more severe than strokes from other causes. That’s why getting to the truth about AFib triggers is vitally important…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Best reason to exercise: rebuilding your body to live healthy longer

Aging means slowing down, doing less and retiring, right? Wrong! According to research from Harvard, if you’re taking it easier as the years pass, you’re missing out on processes in the body that can actually build your body back stronger and fight disease to help you live healthier and longer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

An unexpected perk of housework: Healthy aging

Need a reason to stop procrastinating when it comes to household chores and get that sweeping, vacuuming and dusting done? A study looked at housework specifically for its ability to increase the amount of physical activity people get, and found quite a few unexpected perks that promote healthy aging…

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising habit that weakens your pelvic floor (and we all do it!)

Sucking in our stomachs can seem normal, especially for women. But it turns out it’s not exactly healthy for us to be holding in our stomachs all the time. Read on to discover the dark side of “stomach gripping” and why it might have you running to the nearest restroom faster…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The FODMAP diet: Reducing symptoms and disease-causing bacteria

The FODMAP diet has been found to reduce the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. But it wasn’t clearly understood how. Well, now we know. We also know that many people with IBS have a very unique microbial signature that’s downright dangerous…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Is a ‘thread lift’ for you?

A face-lift may not be something you would consider. The thought of going under the knife and weeks of downtime and pain is not appealing. But there are many new procedures shown to be safe and effective these days, with little to no downtime. If you’ve thought about lifting your laugh lines, let me tell you about…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The no-exercise way to lower heart disease, diabetes and obesity risk in 20 minutes a day

Left unchecked, chronic stress can skyrocket your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. But few of us take the steps necessary to manage stress since it can seem difficult to overcome or too time-consuming to put in the effort. But a new study says you can do it in just 20 minutes a day…

Joyce Hollman

3 life hacks the Japanese use to live beyond 100 (and thrive!)

If you asked a handful of people whether they’d like to live to be 100, you’d probably get mixed answers. Some might say, “Sure, the longer the better.” But just as many would be afraid to live that long, concerned about frailty and poor health. Yet in Japan, centenarians are thriving thanks to these longevity hacks…

Jenny Smiechowski

The breakfast that balances blood sugar all day long

Your breakfast can send you on the blood sugar equivalent of Magic Mountain, where you spend your day experiencing spikes and dips that leave you feeling weak, irritable and downright bad. Or it can send you on a smooth ride down the lazy river. The choice is up to you. But if the second option sounds better, eat this…

Craig Cooper

10 cancer symptoms men often ignore

If you have any of the following 10 cancer symptoms or signs, be sure to consult a physician. It may prove to be nothing at all or something other than cancer. But at least you and your family will know what you are up against and you can take the steps to manage it.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3-D mammography casts doubt on “end date” for cancer screening of older women

While some groups recommend that all women, no matter their age, get a yearly mammogram, the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends that once you hit 74, screening can stop for good. But, is that true? And, if you should continue to be screened, is traditional mammography your best choice?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Improve blood pressure and ease sleep apnea in just 5 minutes a day

Blood pressure, especially systolic (the top number) naturally creeps up as arteries stiffen with age, raising the risk for heart attack, kidney damage, and even cognitive problems. But what if there was something easy that only took 5 minutes a day to bring it way down, without breaking a sweat?

Joyce Hollman

Did the ‘gold standard’ diabetes test that’s mostly wrong miss your diagnosis?

Headlines report that type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. What’s equally concerning is people with prediabetes who don’t know their risk. But even worse than that (and yes, it gets far worse), there are human timebombs among us who think they are just fine because their diabetes test was WRONG…

Joyce Hollman

8+ natural ways to avoid the diabetes-heart disease trap

Your body runs on hormones. They are the “chemical messengers” that make things happen, like controlling your body temperature, your moods, your sex drive, your sleep patterns, and your immunity against disease. Most people think of insulin as the hormone associated with diabetes. But that’s cutting it short…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The Chinese seed extract that can help fight superbug skin infections

Bacteria that live on your skin can also cause serious problems. They can put you at risk for painful, even dangerous, life-threatening infections from drug-resistant superbugs. Luckily, recommendations from a 16th-century text on Traditional Chinese Medicine may have the answer to fighting off skin pathogens…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The dangerous toxin that makes tap water safer than bottled water

Plastic water bottles make me think of chemicals leaching into every sip, even though most are supposedly BPA-free now. That might make some people feel better, but I hate to be the bearer of more bad news about America’s love affair with bottled water… If you’re drinking them, I’d have to ask you: what’s your poison?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is taking care of a loved one damaging your health?

It’s become a fact of life that being a caregiver, whether it’s for an elderly parent or a spouse, takes a toll on your health, leading many people to fear becoming caregivers or to feel as if their health is doomed if it becomes necessary. But are the health dangers of caregiving real? The key to successful caregiving…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What they left out of the latest cholesterol guidelines that you need to know

New cholesterol guidelines allow for a more “personalized” approach to drug therapy, which could allow some patients to reduce the number of drugs they are taking (a good thing), though some will end up on more (not so great). But what these experts left out underscores how badly they’re failing at helping people achieve optimal levels…

Joyce Hollman

When this superfood can be super bad for you

In recent years, a certain cruciferous vegetable has risen to the top of the pile as a superfood. It’s been hailed as one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. In other words, it’s got a ton of nutritional value but few calories. But there are two problems… one involves your thyroid, and the other is a scary cancer threat…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to get your body and mind back in balance after a Parkinson’s diagnosis

Getting the news you have Parkinson’s can be hard on your bearings. Even if things weren’t looking good and you expected the diagnosis. Because a progressive nervous system disorder affects movement, exercise is a good recommendation because it can help slow disease progression. But the right exercise carries even bigger benefits…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best thing about having migraines is you won’t get this disease

There are a lot of downsides to having migraines…They’re painful and nauseating. They prevent you from going to work and having fun with friends. They increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, depression and anxiety. But what if I told you there’s at least one upside…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The best time of day to burn more fat and boost metabolism

My husband is an early riser and likes to start his day with time on the treadmill. I’m barely able to get going in the morning hours and would rather workout in the afternoon. I’ve always told him, it doesn’t matter when you exercise, as long as you do. Unfortunately, a new study may have just proven me wrong…

Joyce Hollman

The surprising thing that could slow getting help after a stroke

During stroke, the right treatment can save a life and prevent permanent disability. But time is of the essence. The drugs that can break up those blood clots must be given within 4 ½ hours of a stroke. So you can see how seconds count. That’s why you need to know how the ‘wrong help’ could increase the danger…

Dr. Michael Cutler

7 ways the chemistry of positive emotions can make you well

Positive — or negative emotions — change your body chemistry. Think for a moment about this. How does it feel to communicate/show kindness, forgiveness, acceptance, or love?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 diagnostics you can do at home to beat this chronic disease syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that significantly increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke. While about a third of adults in the U.S. are estimated to be living with metabolic syndrome, many people don’t know they have it since many of the signs of the disorder are silent. Find out, right now…

Joyce Hollman

The surprising link between coffee and cannabis and your homeostasis

Coffee has been called “the world’s most common recreational drug,” and with good reason. Every morning, roughly 83 percent of American adults reach for a cup of java to jump-start their day. Are you one of them?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The bacteria in your mouth could be ruining your brain

The trouble all starts with a bacterium known as Porphyromonas gingivalis. When its numbers grow too large, your body’s immune system reacts, leading to inflammation, swelling, bleeding, and erosion of your gum tissue. Then, it can even travel from your mouth to your bloodstream, and to your brain….

Jenny Smiechowski

Bad food habits that’ll kill you faster than smoking

A new study found lousy eating kills 11 million people per year. That means 1 in 5 deaths is caused simply by eating the wrong foods. That’s more people than both smoking and high blood pressure kill. But what exactly qualifies as lousy? I’ll tell you, as well as the 3 dietary habits that contribute to more than half of these deaths!

Joyce Hollman

5 real energy sources without the serious downside of a ‘sugar rush’

It’s 2 p.m., and lunch hour is long gone. You’ve got a stack of work to complete, and you just can’t focus. A nap is sounding really good. So, you reach for something sweet to get some pep and energy. Hold on… Researchers recently exposed the truth about what sugar actually does to your mood and your ability to perform…

Joyce Hollman

Why obesity before 50 spells cancer

Researchers took a broad, long-term look at what the obesity epidemic is costing us: Millions of lives lost, and millions of years of healthy, vital living missed, because we carry too much weight. It’s synonymous with heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. But the 13 cancers are most disturbing.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why magic mushroom ‘therapy’ may soon be legal

You’ve probably heard of “magic mushrooms.” Hallucinogenic trips are part of the mushroom’s reputation, but their health benefits have put them up front on the voting ballots in two states and could make them the next legalization trend, like cannabis. Here’s what you should know…

Jenny Smiechowski

At 47 or 87 your brain can make new cells (here’s how)

Your brain doesn’t create any new brain cells after it fully develops at age 25 or so? At least, that’s what you’ve been told most of your life. If you can’t make any more, your life is just one long descent toward cognitive decline. Well, that’s wrong and outdated.

Jenny Smiechowski

This immune-suppressing food additive makes fighting viruses harder

You may already have some tricks up your sleeve for avoiding flu this spring and beyond. Maybe you get the flu vaccine every year, take special herbs or pump yourself full of vitamin C. But whatever you do to keep yourself safe from the flu, I have a flu-fighting tip I guarantee you’ve never heard before…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cardio risks rise when menopause steals muscle and replaces it with fat

Despite the fact that women everywhere have been saying for decades that menopause makes them gain weight, no link had been proven between the hormonal changes of menopause and changes in body composition… until now. But extra weight is the least of the reasons it should concern you…

Joyce Hollman

3 important factors for choosing sun protection against photoaging and cancer

What’s that warm sensation on my skin? Yes, the sun is already beating down in parts of the country and that means you need to be protected from skin cancer and the unsightly damage of photoaging. Choosing what’s safe and works best to keep your skin protected can be confusing. But you’ve come to the right place…