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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Another big win for the sunshine vitamin in the cancer battle

For years, doctors and researchers have seen a tantalizing connection between vitamin D and cancer. Yet, that connection has always been just out of reach. Now, a brand-new look at that VITAL study data has once again delved into the connection between vitamin D and cancer and found good news for us all — an up to 38 percent reduction of metastatic or fatal cancers.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cleveland Clinic identifies melatonin as potential COVID-19 treatment

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the US. And with the surge that experts warned us about last summer, researchers are increasingly turning to drugs and natural supplements already approved for use against other conditions to stem the tide. The latest? The supplement we all love to help us sleep appears to reduce the risk of testing positive…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How your home hampers your ability to fight off disease and infection

Semi-volatile organic compounds hang in the air and dust of your home, and they’re changing the composition of your gut microbiome. That’s a big deal considering your gut is command central for your immune system and helps fight off not only bacteria and viruses, but also myriad diseases. This danger may be invisible, but the threat to you and your family is not…

Carolyn Gretton

Scientists look to rein in ‘calcium wave’ to reduce stroke damage

The damage caused by stroke can range from mild to life-threatening, depending on the severity and how quickly health care professionals intervene to stop it. Researchers are working overtime to find ways to combat stroke damage… One new way focuses on calcium’s confusing relationship with ischemic stroke.

Margaret Cantwell

How I’m beating the migraine trigger I didn’t know I had

Light is connected to migraine in more ways than one. Anyone who suffers from them knows that during an attack light is like salt on a wound. Light hurts and makes a migraine worse. But light can also be a trigger. When I changed the light in my life, I also changed how migraine affected my life.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

What happens in your gut that leads to a type 2 diabetes

There has been considerable scientific interest in recent microbiome studies related to diabetes. But what exactly do the bacteria in your gut have to do with type 2 diabetes? Your gut microbiota can form a molecule that can lead to the progression of type 2 diabetes…

William Davis

Why research keeps turning to curcumin to fight cancer

The prospect of anti-cancer properties is just one of the many researched benefits of curcumin. So why not add more curcumin to your life? Here are a few fun and easy ways you can…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How about something sweet to suppress your appetite?

Sugar offers little to nothing but calories. But we really like it, except when it leads to weight gain. A new study, however, may change the way you think about it. You know the saying — “the hair of the dog” — used often when someone suffering a hangover needs a little of what got them that way to get over it? It turns out that sugar could be the key to eating less over the holidays…

Carolyn Gretton

The amazing benefits of just 12 minutes of exercise

It’s no secret that a sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc with your health. But sometimes it can seem impossible to work even 30 minutes of exercise into your busy life. Luckily, experts are finding more evidence that smaller stints of exercise can be just as powerful, yielding significant benefits you can’t afford to pass up.

Joyce Hollman

The biological reason most drugs don’t relieve pain in women

Functional pain refers to pain that occurs without injury. Migraines and fibromyalgia fall into this category. Turns out more women suffer this kind of pain and now we know why. For starters, a female hormone acts on sensory pain receptors and may ramp up that stimuli. To make matters worse, certain pain treatments can kick it into high gear.

William Davis

Science looks to beetroot to fight root of diseases like Alzheimer’s and MS

When inflammation goes unchecked for too long, the nervous system becomes damaged and can lead to diseases like Alzheimer’s or multiple sclerosis. That’s just one example of why inflammation is often called the root of all disease. But researchers have found a peptide in the beetroot that could make all that a thing of the past…

Carolyn Gretton

How walnuts help curb the most destructive process in your body

Walnuts are known to have numerous health benefits, many of which involve the heart — I’ve lost count of how many I mention in this one post! And now, the largest and longest study to date exploring the benefits of walnuts has discovered how they can help protect you from one of the most destructive processes in the human body…

Joyce Hollman

Hard physical labor makes dementia more likely

A new study shows that people doing hard physical work have a higher risk of developing dementia than those doing sedentary work — 55 percent higher. Why? There’s a difference between hard labor and exercise. One of them hurts the blood supply to the brain and the other boosts it…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The heart disease triggers that start as menopause symptoms

It’s time to stop thinking of menopause as something perfectly normal. While the menopause symptoms women experience may seem annoying, the truth is they can actually be a harbinger of things to come for your heart. So, what turns a menopause symptom into a heart disease trigger? The number of them you might suffer carries more weight, even if they’re moderate to severe…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Reduce depression and anxiety with exercise

2020 has been a very unpredictable year, and levels of anxiety and depression have skyrocketed. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. Even the thought of how to shake it seems like an insurmountable task. But what if all it took was just one thing… one step… one new habit to ditch what’s bringing your down and feel like your old self again? Not to mention the added benefits…

Joyce Hollman

Mom’s high vitamin D levels linked to children’s IQ

Vitamin D builds strong bones and teeth and prevents osteoporosis. It also helps control the overactive immune response that often makes COVID-19 so harsh. Now, research has shown that a lack of vitamin D in pregnant women could predict future cognitive deficits for their unborn children.

Carolyn Gretton

Your heartbeat and COVID: The infection that leads to AFib

Researchers continue to uncover the ways in which COVID-19 affects our bodies. One connection they discovered between COVID and your heartbeat could raise the risk of death from the illness considerably or leave you with a lifelong condition…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

3 ways chili peppers could help you live longer and healthier

Why do some people gravitate toward chili peppers and enjoy the burn while others can’t stand it? Perhaps they sense something that more and more research is revealing: that chili peppers may help you live longer. So, if you’re not traditionally a fan of spicy foods, it may be time to change your ways…

Carolyn Gretton

The medical procedure that increases testicular cancer risk

Men need to be watchful for any signs of testicular cancer, especially if they are at higher risk for the disease because of age, race, family history or medical condition. Recently, a study turned up another risk factor for testicular cancer — a medical procedure that can be difficult to avoid but could raise the risk almost 60 percent…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

If you’re living with IBD, here’s the blood clot risk you need to know about

When you live with inflammatory bowel disease, you have a lot to watch out for. There’s the chronic inflammation of your digestive tract, the weight loss and diarrhea and the increased risk of colon cancer. But IBD also triples the risk of a life-threatening blood clot. For 1 in 7 IBD patients, it could be even higher…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

How toxins in your home could give your family diabetes

The Endocrine Society has spent over 14 years researching our exposure to environmental toxins that are present in the air, water, soil and our homes. They interfere, imitate or alter pathways of hormones in the body that lead to disease. And now there’s proof that our exposure can lead to diabetes that we can pass onto our children.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What, not when, you eat still matters most for healthy weight loss

You’ve probably heard that if you want to lose weight, you should eat your biggest meals early in the day. The theory is you drop weight faster by taking in most of the calories you plan to eat in a day several hours before bedtime (when your metabolism naturally slows). The idea of not worrying over what to eat so much as when seemed easy enough. But, we’re learning it may have sounded too good to be true…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

4 powerful ways to naturally control blood pressure

While it’s normal and healthy for blood pressure to fluctuate throughout the day, when your blood pressure stays elevated, it can lead to many health problems. Many people require medications to control their blood pressure. However, there are several things you can do that will help to make it easier to manage your readings…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How your immune system and inflammation can lead to heart attack

It’s been long understood that when you have a heart attack, it’s because somehow blood flow to your heart has become cut off, either due to a blockage or a narrowing of your coronary arteries. Blood clots can detach and float off to block those arteries. But finding immune cells are the mechanism behind those clots came as a surprise to researchers recently…

Joyce Hollman

New development in stroke treatment gave me my life back

More than a year ago now, I experienced a life-changing event that wreaked havoc with my balance, my ability to swallow liquids and my memory. I got hlep in that “golden hour,” and I know many do not. But a new treatment may make that possible for more stroke sufferers.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Largest randomized double-blind study shows why vitamin D and omega-3s matter

The number of people in the U.S. over the age of 65 has grown by over a third in the past decade alone. And with the increase in life expectancy, that means we need to make changes now to stay healthier later. The largest randomized double-blind study on aging has some advice with that in mind: two supplements that may go further for you than your retirement account…

Carolyn Gretton

The reason meat leads to cancer? Your body builds antibodies against it

Experts have long believed diet can influence the development of cancer, but data showing exactly why has been scarce. However, a new study has found why meat leads to cancer. It comes down to a meat molecule we build antibodies against — defining a molecular connection between cancer and a diet of animal-based products…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

What anyone under 45 should know about stroke

Stroke can occur unexpectedly and at any age. In fact, stroke is on the rise among younger adults under the age of 45, and it turns out many don’t know the signs that could save a life or how to keep from becoming a victim of stroke in the first place. Time for Stroke 101…

Joyce Hollman

Why showering less is a good idea, even during a pandemic

Even in these strange pandemic times, there’s a real downside to washing your body every day. So, if sheltering in place has changed your hygiene habits, don’t worry. Experts are telling us that what we’re really doing in our daily shower is throwing our microbiome out of balance, and here’s why that is not a good thing…

Carolyn Gretton

The hormone missing from a low-fat diet that could treat Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is like a thief stealing a person’s memories and personality. No treatment exists that can halt its progression, but researchers are coming closer to finding compounds that can unravel the complex mechanisms behind the onset of Alzheimer’s. The latest? A hormone that will make you want to ditch your low-fat diet.

Joyce Hollman

Why this super drink gives you super eyesight

Of all the ‘super foods’ you’ve heard about that can super-charge your health and help prevent all sorts of diseases, there’s one that stands out from the crowd. You’ve probably read how it helps ward off cancer, protect the prostate and control blood sugar. Now, you can add eye health protection to that list…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Dr. Cutler’s best tips for reversing diabetes naturally

To many, the claim that diabetes can be reversed through nutrition alone may sound like wishful thinking. The mainstream medicine belief is that “once a diabetic, always a diabetic.” But we now know otherwise, and I’ve personally witnessed that success with my patients. Here’s how…

Joyce Hollman

Pack this toxic holiday ‘décor’ away for good

Over the holidays, chances are, you served up a little egg nog, wine or good old iced tea in some decorative holiday glasses or mugs. They may be festive, but when you take down the tree and pack up the ornaments, you may want to box up those glasses for good…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How an Alzheimer’s early-warning could save your mind

Alzheimer’s is a disease that steals more than just your memories. It also steals your ability to perform simple tasks, leaving you perplexed, frustrated and reliant on others. While it’s easy to think it’s a disease that just can’t be beaten, new research reveals you’re not entirely powerless…

Margaret Cantwell

An accidental Alzheimer’s pill?

Scientists were recently testing a new pharmaceutical developed to treat diabetes, and found very promising indications that their potential diabetes pill may actually reverse memory loss — and treat other neurodegenerative disorders as well. Could it be the Alzheimer’s pill we’ve all been waiting for?

Easy Health Options Staff

How to recognize these 5 toxic dangers (slideshow)

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as well as the International Agency for Research on Cancer, heavy metals are considered human carcinogens (cancer-promoting). In addition, there are at least nine other illnesses that can be an indication of mineral toxicity…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The drinking habit that leads to obesity

Before you take a swig of that drink in your hand, hold on just a second… because what’s in it could be the reason you’ve failed every diet you ever tried. That’s right. A review of 30 studies proves it’s not what’s on our plate, but in our cups, that is making us fat…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

If you can’t escape the flu, tame it

When breakthroughs on boosting immunity hit the web, you can bet I’m researching and putting them to use. Most recently, I learned how, even if you can’t escape the flu, there is a way to tame it. With a little preparation, you can be as ready as you can be to keep the flu’s effects at a minimum…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The daily practice for pain-free movement

Keeping the body pain free and moving easy is not so… easy. But just like the old saying goes — if you don’t use it, you lose it. If you don’t, before you know it, it’s not so easy to move, and when you do it hurts. But you can remedy that…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The link between depression chronic illness and a shorter life

Mortality risk over longer periods of time may be more likely to result from chronic conditions associated with depression. If you think you may be living with depression, or know someone who is, it’s vital to take steps now to overcome it, to increase both the quality and the length of your life. Start with these five steps…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The best way to overcome worry, decrease stress and win the waiting game

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Waiting is the hardest part.” And, if you’ve ever actually worried yourself sick, you know how true it is. That’s because waiting for something to happen can be far worse than dealing with the reality of it happening.

Dr. Mark Wiley

4 behaviors linked to 50 percent of cancers

What we think affects our wellness and influences our behaviors, which alters our health. But why is that so hard to accept? Maybe because even within the medical community, it’s a hard sell. But there’s no disputing that risky behaviors account for nearly 50 percent of cancer cases.

Jenny Smiechowski

How to boost your metabolism just sitting

If you’re chained to a desk all day, you probably cringe every time you hear that sitting is bad for your health. But what can you do to make the time you spend sitting less harmful? Researchers found that you can make sitting healthier than standing just by doing this…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

The trick to fulfilling your New Year’s resolutions

You may be thinking about resolutions to make 2018 the best year yet! Maybe you want meet someone special, or take control of your health and happiness. Whatever your goals are for the New Year, there is one top tip to help you accomplish them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

UTI relief from a surprising source

20 percent of women who experience a UTI will have a recurrence, and then 30 percent of those women will have a second recurrence. That means once you get an infection, you could suffer with it again and again. But a new solution could stop that cycle…

Jenny Smiechowski

The hidden heart risk of restless legs

Restless leg syndrome is frustrating. Just when you’re about to relax, your legs get the creepy-crawlies. While there’s a lot of conjecture about what causes restless leg, one thing is crystal clear… those uncomfortable feelings in your legs come with serious health risks.

Joyce Hollman

4 powerful ways vanilla helps fight disease

After saffron, known to be incredibly expensive, vanilla is the world’s most expensive spice. The humble vanilla bean is actually a delicacy. But, beyond its delightful flavor and aroma, the vanilla bean is the source of a wide range of health benefits you may not know about…

Jenny Smiechowski

Get better gut health at the gym

If you’ve been hearing a lot about your “microbiome,” it’s because it’s so critical to your health. Typically, when you get tips for keeping your microbiome healthy, they’re related to what you’re putting in your body. But there’s another choice that could make or break your microbiome…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Play a game for a stronger brain

No matter what you hear on the news or from your doctor, there are ways to improve your cognition and keep your brain functioning optimally whatever your age. And, one way to do that is by playing games. But some games are better for your brain than others…

Dr. Michael Cutler

The treatment that reversed type 2 diabetes

Are you ready for this? A new study in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, reveals that a huge number of people with type 2 diabetes should be able to completely reverse their disease and remain diabetes-free, just by doing one thing…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

5 Allergy-relieving secrets for every season

A runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and a sore throat and cough… If you suffer from a constant onslaught of allergens, you’ll be glad to know there is hope. In fact, overcoming seasonal allergies could be as simple as adding a few extra foods to your diet…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Using Tai Chi to soothe neck and shoulder pain

Tai Chi was developed thousands of years ago as a system of health preservation, fitness and self-defense. It is described in the West as “moving meditation” because coordinated movements and breathing techniques lead you into a meditative state of gentle relaxation…

Joyce Hollman

The secrets behind the war on coconut oil

The heart-healthy truth about coconut oil they’re still trying to hide could cost you dearly… It could also cost pharmaceutical giants who are raking in the big bucks, while working double time to keep this cholesterol secret… Namely, that people with higher cholesterol live longer!

Jenny Smiechowski

5 ways to slash cell phone radiation exposure

It’s no secret that cell phones emit potentially harmful radiation. But skeptics say there’s not enough solid scientific evidence to prove cell phones come with any health risks, let alone serious risks like cancer. But if you’d prefer to err on the side of caution when it comes to cell phones, here’s what you can do…

Joyce Hollman

Add 11 years to your brain

Mashed potatoes… stuffing… buttered biscuits… kale. One of those foods doesn’t belong on the list, right? But, including greens on your table regularly could help you hold on to your precious memories longer — like more than a decade!

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One simple daily deed to sleep better

While you probably know physical activity is associated with healthy sleep, researchers at the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, have found which ones send you to dreamland and which ones don’t.

Jenny Smiechowski

The forgotten factor driving diabetes

The protein, FKBP51, helps regulate stress in your body and has a known connection to anxiety and depression. But it’s also a messenger between your stress control center and your metabolic processes. Block its production, and you could block diabetes…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Your brain on nuts

We know that nuts are super healthy. They’re high in flavonoids, vitamins, various minerals and dietary fiber. Nuts are like disease kryptonite. They’ve been shown to slow aging, fight cancer and strengthen immunity. Now research shows how nuts change your brain…

Joyce Hollman

If your heartburn is worse, estrogen could be to blame

If you’re a post-menopausal woman, you may be taking hormones to help slow bone loss and prevent osteoporosis. HRT carries some risks. But one hormone in particular could put you at risk for another condition that has nothing to do with your bones…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your hair reveals about weight gain

Frazzled, tense, anxious, worried, wound up? Watch out. People with higher levels of stress have higher levels of a hormone in their hair that’s an indicator for obesity over time, including larger waist circumference and a higher body mass index…