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Carolyn Gretton

Resistant hypertension: more common than previously thought

You have high blood pressure. You do all the right things and your doctor has you on handfuls of medications. Yet, when the nurse checks your blood pressure, the numbers remain stubbornly above the 140/90 threshold. If this sounds familiar, you’re suffering from what’s known as resistant hypertension. And research suggests you are far from alone…

Joyce Hollman

Simple diet changes that relieve skin and joint inflammation

Considering the risks of some medical treatments for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis — topical steroids that raise blood pressure and expensive biologics — the possibility of living symptom-free with simple dietary changes is a game-changer. But that’s just what happened when scientists put the standard American diet to the test against foods that heal instead of harm…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The chemicals fueling the hormones breast cancer cells thrive on

It’s no secret that every day we’re exposed to hundreds, if not thousands of chemicals. And though most chemicals are meant to improve our lives in some way, you may be shocked to learn almost 300 common household chemicals, likely lurking in your home right now, have been found to increase hormone levels to fuel breast cancer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Got migraine? Be wary of the cannabis ‘cure-all’

Cannabis has been approved for medical uses including epilepsy, and research is ongoing into how it can help cancer patients and people with Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain and more. But how does it stack up against other kinds of proven natural relief for difficult-to-treat migraine pain?

Tina Stellar

3 ways a protein-rich diet can enrich your life

Protein is vital to your health. Getting enough in your diet from healthy sources is important to prolong the lifespan of your cells and encourage their renewal — a process that slows down as we age. Here’s three ways protein enriches your life and how to be sure you’re feeding your body the amount it needs…

Carolyn Gretton

Foods that slow brain aging by boosting its blood supply

There are all kinds of tips for keeping your brain sharp as you age, from memory games to meditation to learning new subjects or taking up new hobbies. And we can’t forget sufficient exercise and sleep. But there’s an easier way to improve one of the biggest contributors of age-related cognitive decline… blood flow to the brain.

William Davis

What causes Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut is hotly debated within the medical community. While opinions may differ on what it is, causes and treatments, all sides agree irritable bowel syndrome, stomach pain, bloating and GERD are on the rise. Worse, the effects of leaky gut can lead to chronic illness if you don’t address it before the damage spreads from your gut throughout your entire body.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ties between vitamin D deficiency and cancer get stronger

From neurological diseases to depression and blood pressure, vitamin D is the golden child for fighting off health problems that often increase with age. The vitamin even took the spotlight during the pandemic. Now, more evidence is mounting to show that more vitamin D in your life matters against colon cancer.

Joyce Hollman

Medical devices and the deaths we’ll never hear about

It’s no secret that medical device manufacturers aren’t always truthful about the safety or track record of their products. But now, we also know that thousands of deaths that could be related to these devices are being hidden thanks to a loophole in a system designed to protect them, instead of us…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Could just one type of food disease-proof your body?

Decades of research have revealed that, while acute inflammation can help you heal from injuries and fight infection, chronic inflammation is a recognized component of some of our most threatening health problems. But one type of food can combat inflammation and help keep your body from becoming a disease magnet…

Carolyn Gretton

Fighting MS with isoflavone-digesting microbes

Multiple sclerosis can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be managed through both medication and more holistic means. Researchers are continuing to learn about the disease and different ways to fight it — one method that holds real promise involves feeding the gut microbiome the right stuff….

Margaret Cantwell

Are statins the answer to beating cancer?

Research is suggesting that statins may provide an edge over cancer. But are statins wonder drugs? 40 million Americans take them every day, but heart disease is still winning. 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year. Not to mention the other associated disease risks. Will conquering cancer make this drug shine?

Joyce Hollman

How to release proteins in your body that attack cancer

There’s one habit that’s good for your heart, your lungs, your weight and your brainpower. Research has also shown it’s the best way to avoid cancer, especially hormone-driven cancers like breast cancer. Now, it’s been shown to not only lower the risk but also slow the growth of the third-leading cause of cancer deaths in the US.

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising truth about soy and hot flashes

There’s been a lot of confusion about whether soy is good or bad for our well-being. What researchers are discovering is that whole soy foods can actually support brain and heart health. More good news? They may also relieve a particularly irritating symptom of menopause that’s proven especially difficult to manage…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why blue light contributes to weight gain

You may know about the negative effects of blue light on your health. The light that is emitted from screens like your television, tablet or smartphone has been proven to steal sleep, increase cancer risk and even accelerate aging. Now researchers have found if you seem to be gaining weight or are having a hard time losing it, you can blame blue light from these devices as well…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Worried about the Delta variant? Here are 6 things to know

Just when we thought we had the all-clear, we’re hesitating again. And the biggest reason for that hesitation right now is the new Delta variant our country is dealing with. That’s why we’re breaking down what experts at Yale Medicine are telling us about the variant to try to clear up some of the questions.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What the smell of your sweat means

Have you noticed how some people can sweat buckets and smell like rain… but others? Let’s just say you wouldn’t want to sit next to them in a crowded room for long. Despite playground taunts, some of us aren’t born stinkier. It comes down to what’s causing you to sweat…

Joyce Hollman

Overactive bladder: Causes, risk factors and fixes

Overactive bladder (OAB) is just what it sounds like: A condition that causes the sudden and frequent urge to urinate. OAB isn’t uncommon, affecting 16 percent of men and 33 percent of women. The risk for OAB increases with age, but you shouldn’t consider it to be just an inevitable consequence of aging. If you’re experiencing problems, consider these common causes…

Carolyn Gretton

The evidence stacks up: Omega-3s promote heart health

Omega-3 fatty acids — do they really help your heart? Or do they have no impact — or worse, a negative effect — on heart health? These are questions researchers have been trying to answer for the past few years. What did the latest meta-analysis involving almost 150,000 participants find? The evidence just keeps stacking up…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Long COVID: More common and longer than we thought

More than a year later most of us are breathing a sigh of relief. Yes, we’re still cautious but we’ve turned the corner. But what if you were infected? There’s a good chance you could be dealing with long Covid. Because healthcare workers and researchers are finding it’s much more common and may last even longer than anyone thought.

Joyce Hollman

The over-50 food for better blood sugar, blood pressure and a slim waist

When it comes to keeping all your bodily systems healthy, the fact that refined grains are “out” and whole grains are “in” is no longer new news. But it turns out, there are very specific benefits for older adults on five major risk factors for heart disease, including waist size…

Carolyn Gretton

CBD may be better than opioids for fibromyalgia pain

With more and more people developing chronic pain conditions, efforts are being made to find better pain management tools. This is especially important in managing fibromyalgia pain since many existing pain medications offer little relief. Luckily, this natural supplement is proving quite effective in treating the pain associated with fibromyalgia…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Get sharper vision with less than a teaspoon of cocoa a day

While many of us start out with perfect visual acuity — that 20/20 vision score based on how far down you can read letters on the eye chart — it starts going in the opposite direction (up to where the letters get bigger and bigger) typically with age. But we may have found the best way to impress your optometrist at your next visit…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why red meat causes carcinogenic compounds in the colon

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the US. And lifestyle factors play a major role. We’ve long known that red meat and colon cancer can go hand-in-hand, but there have been many questions as to why. Answers have now been found in the DNA of colon cancer cells.

Carolyn Gretton

What your inflammation clock reveals about your immune health and aging

Aging is due in part to varying rates of immune system decline that trigger chronic inflammation. People with healthy immune systems are able to fight off this inflammation to some extent, but those whose aren’t as strong will age faster and be more prone to frailty and disease. Since inflammation is treatable, all we’ve needed was a way to measure it.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Fats, carbs, fiber and lowering your cholesterol

Diet has the greatest potential for the biggest improvement in cholesterol. But that doesn’t mean low-fat or low-carb diets are the answer. Dr. Klodas explains what fats help lower cholesterol, the carbohydrate connection, as well as how the natural cholesterol circulation system you have in your body works…

Joyce Hollman

Drugs that make antibiotics less effective when you might need them most

Antibiotic resistance is leaving us more and more vulnerable to serious disease. But overuse of antibiotics isn’t the only thing that’s causing this health crisis. Other common medications you may be using could make antibiotics less effective when you might need them most.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to eat sushi and avoid the big mercury danger

Sushi has become increasingly popular and it’s easy to see why. The combination of fresh fish, rice, seaweed and yummy sauces and add-ons like wasabi make eating healthy fun. Or does it? Depending on your sushi choices you could face serious heavy metal contamination. Here’s advice from experts on safer sushi choices and how to avoid the big mercury danger.

Carolyn Gretton

When diabetes leads to the worst heart trouble

People with diabetes who have no other risk factors for heart disease are five times more likely to die of heart disease than those without. Researchers now know a critical factor that if caught early enough can help dial the heart health risks down…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What prunes can do for your heart

After menopause a woman’s risk for serious heart trouble only increases. But keeping your heart healthy post menopause could be as simple as eating prunes. Yes, prunes! Just a few a day improved several markers that matter. And there’s no reason men can’t benefit, too…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Answers for age spots and vascular skin blemishes

I often have patients come to me about visible signs of aging. After wrinkles and sagging skin, they’re most concerned about darkened spots and growths, and vascular skin blemishes. If you have these same concerns, I’d like to share with you how I help my patients…

Margaret Cantwell

The simple supplement that unleashes powerful antioxidant protection

By now you have probably read a lot about free radicals and how they are responsible for the disease and aging process. That’s because free radicals literally break down healthy cells — killing and mutating them. You fight them with antioxidants, but what if they’re outnumbered?

Jenny Smiechowski

The bigger your brain, the bigger your cancer risk

You wouldn’t think that having a big brain would be a bad thing… More brain cells. Possibly more intelligence. Sign me up! But just like more money means more problems, a bigger brain could set you up for a higher chance of something no one wants more of…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The best nutrient to preserve your muscle coordination

An optimum diet and exercise can protect your neuromuscular junction synapses from the wear and tear of aging. So, are you following an optimum diet and exercising daily? Don’t beat yourself up too much. There’s a nutrient that duplicates the effects without diet and lifestyle changes…

Jenny Smiechowski

What being a morning person says about your breast cancer risk

Night owls tend to be more creative and intelligent. They also have more mental stamina later in the day. That means they can burn the midnight oil to get stuff done, like homework, work or passion projects. But there’s one area where us early birds have a big advantage — health.

Joyce Hollman

Get in the ‘flow’ to prevent the stress that kills

When you are in a state of flow, you feel in control. You feel more competent. You’re not worrying about how you’re doing, who’s judging you, or what you’ll have to do next. But it’s more than that. Here are some measurable benefits to being in the “flow,” and how to get there…

Joyce Hollman

A few ways the experts say we’re showering all wrong

Suds. Warm water. Steam. And relaxation… There’s just nothing like a nice, long, hot shower. It feels good, that’s for sure. But dermatologists have other ideas about what’s good for you when it comes to soaping up and rinsing down. In fact, most of us could learn a few things…

Jenny Smiechowski

The one supplement that truly plugs a leaky gut

Leaky gut is a condition where the gut lining develops holes that allow partially digested food, toxins and bacteria to seep into your bloodstream. Telltale signs include chronic diarrhea, gas, constipation, fatigue, headaches and skin issues. And only one probiotic has been found to truly plug a leaky gut…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How gaming can get your brain and body fit

Have you heard of exergaming? Some video games require physical exercise (for your body, not just your thumbs!) and scientists have now found a big benefit that goes far beyond their effects on your heart rate and even your waistline. It could be a fun way to stay independent as you age…

Jenny Smiechowski

The quickest and easiest way to avoid knee replacement surgery

If you’re already experiencing arthritis pain in your knees, you’re probably afraid knee replacement surgery is in your future. But it doesn’t have to be. There’s something you can do today to decrease your odds of needing surgery and suffering through recovery. And it only takes five to ten minutes!

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Is fasting the secret to reversing disease and aging?

A growing body of clinical and scientific data suggests that modified forms of fasting can deliver important benefits for key areas of health, including glucose regulation, cardiovascular function, inflammatory response and more. Not bad for an ancient practice…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Do this one thing every morning to lose the weight and keep it off

Seriously, just one thing. And the folks who did this one thing, without being encouraged to diet, exercise or do anything that differed from their normal, daily habits, lost weight and kept it off. So if you want to finally be able to see changes on the scale with extreme effort, try it, too…

Joyce Hollman

Flip the enzyme “switch” that prevents diabetes

If your blood sugar is elevated, but not enough (yet) for a diabetes diagnosis, that’s called prediabetes. You can turn that around by increasing an enzyme you’ve probably never heard of. It’s in all of your cells, but if you’re over 50, your supplies are decreasing daily. Boost it…

Dr. Michael Cutler

6 surprising causes of estrogen overload in men

Estrogen excess is not so clear cut, especially when you’re not sure why or how the necessary hormone is getting out of balance. It takes monitoring levels of both estrogen and testosterone to get it balanced. Fortunately once you know why it’s increasing, there are several things that help…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 secrets for exceptional aging

Most of us have the wrong idea about aging. We assume that it’s natural to get weaker, develop diseases and slow down mentally as we get older. But this is all wrong. Normal aging does not automatically cause decline and disease. In fact, there really isn’t a “normal aging” at all…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The 5-minute facial massage for beautiful skin

If you want to love your skin, it makes sense that improving circulation will help. It is, after all, considered your largest organ. So that means there is a lot of territory to cover and you want all of it to benefit from the oxygen and nutrients your blood carries to your skin cells…

Joyce Hollman

Hiatal hernia and GERD: Symptoms, treatment and prevention

Most people who have a hiatal hernia don’t have any symptoms at first. However, a more severe or untreated hiatal hernia will often lead to another condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Left untreated, you could be in for quite a few complications…

Craig Cooper

4 best foods to treat erectile dysfunction (slideshow)

These foods can boost your testosterone levels and nitric oxide levels, resulting in better erectile function without exposing you to the dangers of erectile dysfunction drugs.

Jenny Smiechowski

5 ways dangerous pesticides are entering your home

We use more than a billion pounds of pesticides per year in the U.S. alone. While we’d all like to think pesticides don’t affect the people, animals and plants they’re not intended for, we know better. Those chemicals move and drift…and find their way into your home. Here’s where to look…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The weird effect these positions have on your brain

It’s long been known that exercise has a positive impact on your brain and your memory. It decreases your risk of Alzheimer’s and can even slow cognitive decline. If you don’t move, your temporal lobe is doomed. So what about these other positions…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Two activities scientifically proven to lower your blood pressure

Hypertension is scary, especially if your blood pressure is what they call “resistant.” That means adhering to a combination of at least three antihypertensive medications of different classes, which usually includes a diuretic. This post is for you…

Joyce Hollman

The best diet to fight off macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is an eye disease that causes more blindness than glaucoma and cataracts combined. More than ten million Americans have it. The reason so many of us do could be the standard American diet. Because compelling research shows another much healthier diet could stop this sight-stealer in its tracks.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why your gut may never recover from the damage of antibiotics

Should you head to the doctor at the first sign you’re sick, fill your prescription and start popping the pills they give you? You might want to think twice. Scientists are looking at what they do to your gut, and it turns out antibiotic use can cause permanent change in your gut and lead to serious problems.

Jenny Smiechowski

The surgery that raises autoimmune disease risk by nearly 50%

It’s easy to turn your nose up at plastic surgery when you’re young. But as you get older, a little surgical help starts to get more tempting. But before you make any serious decisions, here’s something you need to know… There’s one cosmetic procedure that causes a sky-high risk of autoimmune disorders in women.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Giving thanks, a powerful healing vehicle

Gratitude is a powerful social emotion; a deep feeling of thankfulness, one that has long reaching benefits for wellness and quality of life. And multiple studies show that aside from being a socially favorable way to be with others, it has powerful effects on your health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 signs back pain is shortening your life and how to stop it

Back pain is common across all ages, genders and socioeconomic groups. But, if you’re a woman age 40 to 80, your odds of suffering are the highest of any group. But more concerning is that back pain may be shortening your life. Here are three signs to look for and steps to take if you’re in pain…

Jenny Smiechowski

Science says weighted blankets really smother insomnia and anxiety

Deep pressure therapy simulates hugs, cuddling, swaddling, and holding — all things we’ve been trained from a young age to enjoy. When someone we love hugs us or hold us, we feel safe, calm and relaxed. And that’s likely why pressure can relieve anxiety and help you sleep…

Jenny Smiechowski

The coffee with the most brain protection

By now, the health benefits of coffee are indisputable, offering protection from heart disease to cancer. But if you want to use coffee for its brain benefits, there’s something you need to know: Not all coffee provides equally effective protection. It depends on the roast…

Joyce Hollman

8 surefire ways to stick with your fitness goals

Let’s face it: it’s all too easy to stop following an exercise program when the weather turns cold. Even knowing it’s the best way to stave off cancer, heart disease and diabetes won’t help you hit the ground running when the temps are frigid, unless you have a few tricks up your sleeve…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best nutrient to fight inflammation-fueled memory loss

Do you know why your memory starts to slip as you get older? Immune cells in the brain known as microglia become inflamed and release chemicals that interfere with cognitive and motor function. This leads to cognitive decline. But there’s a simple way to cool this brain-harming inflammation…