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Joyce Hollman

Can a COVID-19 infection cause diabetes?

COVID-19 hasn’t been shy about wreaking havoc on multiple organs in the body. And it’s come to light that in many cases, it goes after the pancreas. There it begins a dangerous game of cat and mouse with hormones that regulate blood sugar. In fact, there are real concerns that a bout with COVID-19 may leave lifelong blood sugar problems in its wake…

Carolyn Gretton

Considering hormone replacement therapy? Check your ‘vascular age’

For years, doctors have used a menopausal woman’s chronological age and years since onset of menopause to determine whether hormone therapy is too risky for her cardiovascular health. Now, researchers are suggesting physicians look at a completely different kind of age for a more accurate measure…

Carolyn Gretton

Combining metabolic syndrome with kidney disease can be deadly

Metabolic syndrome is bad enough on its own since it raises your risk of problems like heart attack, stroke and diabetes, not to mention premature death. But when combined with chronic kidney disease, the cluster of conditions that make up metabolic syndrome can send those risks into the stratosphere. Here’s how to avoid them…

Joyce Hollman

10 factors that increase bone fracture risk

Research has identified 10 factors that, if they apply to you, add up to a 30 percent higher chance you’ll suffer a fracture in the next two decades. Some of them are beyond your control. But there are a few you can address now to prevent broken bones later on.

Joyce Hollman

Early signs of COVID-19 differ by age: know yours

Did you know that the earliest COVID-19 symptoms are not the same for everyone? We’ve learned a lot through the pandemic and new research shows that, depending upon your age, the early warning signs may be different from what you think. Knowing your earliest symptoms can help you protect yourself and others…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Insulin resistance: What you need to know

Type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, insulin resistance. They’re all manifestations of the same metabolic dysfunction, just to a different degree. And all individuals who develop type 2 diabetes are initially pre-diabetic. And all pre-diabetics are initially insulin resistant. The key may be stopping this hidden dysfunction…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Harnessing the simplest of supplements against autoimmune disease

Some things simply go hand-in-hand, like salt and pepper, peanut butter and jelly, a needle and thread. And according to scientists, another pair where you can’t have one without the other is vitamin C and strong, stable immune cells. In fact, this special combination could be the key to defeating autoimmune conditions for good…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Losing height? Why mid-life shrinkage is a stroke risk warning

If you’re nearing 50 and find that you’re simply not as tall as you used to be, you’re not alone. That’s because height loss due to the shrinking of your spinal discs, compression fractures and poor posture often start adding up by your 5th decade. It may be a blow to your ego but an ever bigger one to your health. Good news: you can slow it.

William Davis

Vitamin K2: 3 reasons it helps you live your best life

Since its discovery, scientists have uncovered five different compounds that make up the vitamin K family. And one of the most compelling is vitamin K2. Discover three reasons this one nutrient can help you live your best life.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How sugar drains our mitochondria and sets the stage for disease

It’s no secret that most of us eat way too much sugar. It’s also no secret it can lead to diabetes. But that’s not all. It has a very sinister effect on our mitochondria, our cellular power plants, that can set the stage for a metabolic disaster. What can you do? Cut down on sugar and feed your mitochondria what that sugar’s been stealing from them…

Carolyn Gretton

The overlooked nutrient deficiency that can sneak up on diabetics

If you have diabetes, you know it’s imperative to manage your intake of sugar and carbs. But while many diabetics are busy making sure they are eating right for blood sugar management, many are falling behind on an important nutrient that can leave them with mobility issues…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The exercise combo that slays 6 types of cancer risks

There’s no question that physical activity has a huge impact on our health. From keeping our hearts healthy and cholesterol in check to controlling blood sugar, staying active makes it more likely we’ll live better, healthier and longer. Best of all, exercise has been shown to have powerful cancer-fighting properties.

Joyce Hollman

Does your body have enough beige fat to ward off dementia?

When all the experts are telling you to cut down on fat it can be confusing. But the body contains one fat that you certainly need more of, especially if you want to avoid cognitive decline. In fact, this fat has been deemed “indispensable” in protecting the brain from dementia. Here’s how to turn your fat to the good side and benefit…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Will you suffer from long COVID? Count your symptoms

COVID-19 brought big and frightening surprises from the beginning. And the one that might be the most unique is the realization that once you’re supposedly over the virus, you may not be over your symptoms. Can you know if you’re more likely to suffer long COVID? Here’s exactly what to look for…

Carolyn Gretton

Why you should never throw these fruit and vegetable skins away

If you’re a foodie you may already be on board with leaving the skins on many fruits and vegetables for that rustic look and taste. But there’s another reason: super nutrition! But can you eat all the skins? That’s up to you, but here’s a list of fruit and vegetable skins you should never throw out…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Essential oils really work with the help of a ‘brain vitamin’

Essential oils have long been used to boost physical and emotional health. Some may speed wound healing, lower blood pressure and even attack the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. But the scientific community has claimed it was a “placebo effect.” Well, that’s all over now that the mechansim by which they boost health and mood has been uncovered…

Joyce Hollman

Higher vitamin K intake lowers risks to heart and blood vessels

We often hear reports from doctors or researchers trying to discourage supplementing the vitamins that can do our health good. Not today. Not only are they confirming vitamin K’s heart-healthy benefits, they recommend more than the standard guidelines suggest. And stress the importance of both kinds. Here’s how to get your K1 and K2…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 simple ingredients to fade age spots and the ones to avoid

They’re often referred to as age spots, sun spots or liver spots. But their cause is the same: UV ray exposure that speeds up the production of the natural pigment melanin. Avoiding age spots is a good idea — because the same culprit is behind skin cancer. But if you want to fade them, there are some dangers there to watch out for as well…

Carolyn Gretton

The significant impact healthy choices have on genetic cancer risk

Cancer can strike at anyone, but some people have inherited genes that put them at higher risk. Does that mean you’re doomed? Far from it. Researchers are discovering this genetic predisposition is far from a death sentence, thanks to the significant impact of a few healthy choices…

Carolyn Gretton

Making sense of starches in your diet: The good and the deadly

Starchy foods have a mixed reputation. Some are actually good for you, while others can spike your blood sugar and contribute to metabolic diseases. And recent research has come down that certain starchy foods present a clear and present danger to your heart health. Here’s the good and the bad on those starches on your plate…

Jenny Hart

How diabetes increases risk factors for 4 common diseases

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects how the body takes in and uses glucose or sugar. Both genetic and environmental factors can play a part in the development of diabetes. And because diabetes affects many systems in the body it can increase the risk for other serious diseases as well. Here’s what you need to know about those risks…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin deficiency found to fuel addiction

Some blame Big Pharma for pushing the drugs in the first place. Others lay the problem at the feet of doctors who continue to prescribe the medications, despite alternatives. But there’s something the experts may be missing about the opioid crisis: a vitamin deficiency that makes the body more sensitive to the drug’s effects…

Joyce Hollman

Why dancing is the best exercise if you’re past menopause

Post menopause, it can be more difficult for women to keep the weight and health problems at bay. There’s also a higher risk at this time to enter a spiral that can negatively affect a woman’s ability to maintain an independent and healthy, high-quality lifestyle throughout her lifespan. Beat it by putting on your dancing shoes…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The daily activities that could delay Alzheimer’s by five years

Did you know that for every year you live past 65, the number of people in your age group living with dementia doubles? Before you get too worried, you should know researchers have proven it’s possible to keep your brain healthy longer. In fact, certain activities can help you delay Alzheimer’s and dementia for an additional five years.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

This surprising culprit increases sleep apnea risk 78 percent

If you snore so loudly you wake up your sleep partner, and even yourself, sleep apnea could be to blame. But sleep apnea is a much bigger worry than just snoring. While that may not surprise you, a sneaky culprit behind sleep apnea just might, as well as the fact that it could leave you vulnerable to high blood pressure and the dangers that come with it.

Carolyn Gretton

Evidence mounts: To avoid cancer trade your cocktail for a mocktail

Alcohol — is it good or bad for you? With consumption increasing due to the pandemic, it’s a good time to answer that question. It’s true that certain kinds of alcohol, like red wine, have some health benefits. But more and more research indicates the risks of drinking alcohol far outweigh the benefits, especially when it comes to cancer…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The link between coffee, brain volume, stroke and dementia

A huge amount of overwhelmingly positive research has surfaced in the last few years about coffee’s health benefits, including longevity and nootropic effects. But researchers down under have found a big problem with coffee that can lead to brain shrinkage, stroke and dementia. Don’t worry, there’s an easy way around it…

Joyce Hollman

A glass a day beats immune-zapping inflammation

Orange juice is full of vitamin C which supports the immune system by increasing production of white blood cells that are on the front lines. But there’s more going on behind the scenes. Along with other nutrients, new research shows this old-fashioned remedy gets to the core of what leaves your body defenseless in the face of infection.

Joyce Hollman

‘Wheaty weed’ making it hard to know if your gluten-free food really is

Whether you have celiac disease or an intolerance, gluten can send your world spinning out of control, leaving you in pain and dealing with miserable digestive issues. That’s why you avoid it like the plague. Unfortunately, that’s gotten harder. If you’ve suspected your favorite gluten-free products may not be what they claim, here’s why…

Jedha Dening

The herb that crushes metabolic syndrome

Do you have any of the following symptoms? Obesity, belly weight, high cholesterol, blood pressure or blood sugar? If the answer is yes to any of these, you have metabolic syndrome. When your metabolism is altered, it dramatically increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Joyce Hollman

Why you should have a living will and how to get one

We’re reluctant to talk about the end of our life, let alone plan for it. Seems like tempting the fates. In reality, though, it is one of the smartest things you can do, not only for your benefit, but for the peace of mind and well-being of your family and friends.

Margaret Cantwell

8 great nutrients that will keep your brain from short-circuiting

As we age, we begin to focus on what can help us gracefully enter our senior years. So, let me share what science now knows about eight specific nutrients you want swimming in your bloodstream to keep your brain connections and your cognition strong…

Joyce Hollman

10 best foods to protect your hard-working liver

Without a fully functioning and healthy liver, you could take all the vitamins and supplements in the world, but they wouldn’t do any good. So, pay special attention to eating these ten foods that nourish this crucial organ.

Jenny Smiechowski

Brain viruses behind bowel problems

If you go to the doctor’s office and they can’t find anything else wrong, they may diagnose you with irritable bowel syndrome and send you on your way. But there could be something stranger behind your bowel trouble…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Does evening exercise really ruin your sleep?

You may have heard the conventional wisdom that says you shouldn’t exercise in the evening since it makes it hard to fall asleep. I know that I had… In fact, I though I had to skip my workout if I couldn’t get it in before 5 pm. But, is it the truth? Let’s get to the bottom of it…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The citrusy herb that ‘reverses’ heart damage

I love to cook with herbs and spices. Not just for the amazing flavor they add, but because many, especially one of my favorites, help heal your body. A a new study found one particular citrus-tasting herb may even reverse heart damage…

Jenny Smiechowski

More cheese makes the Mediterranean diet healthier

Some diets make you ditch dairy altogether, while others make you cut fat. Either way, cheese is out of the picture. But if you’re a cheese lover like me, don’t worry… a newer version of one of the healthiest diets is bringing dairy back, and the health benefits are just as good…

Joyce Hollman

6 things that can go wrong with your spine and how to avoid them

The spine houses a bundle of nerves that allows the brain to keep us moving, functioning and healthy. When a connection is severed, it’s like shutting off the switch to a vital function. It doesn’t take a serious injury to have problems. Watch for these…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 wildflowers with big health benefits

There are around 21,000 plants that have the potential to fight disease, but you’re unlikely to come into contact with most of them. However, there are six wildflowers that you could easily run across in a short hike that pack a big punch when it comes to your health.

Jenny Smiechowski

The mineral that helps you master your vitamin D levels

Optimizing vitamin and mineral levels is a bit like walking a tight rope. Too much or too little, and you’ve got problems. So, when supplementing your vitamin D, wouldn’t it be nice to have a little “insurance” that protects you from getting too little or too much?

Joyce Hollman

Don’t fall victim to Big Pharma’s promotional scare tactics

You know how drug commercials rattle off dangerous side effects so fast there’s no way to get it all? Well, drug companies have found a new way to get around the law requiring them to disclose that information. Here’s what to watch for so you don’t get tricked…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two foods that shield your heart from high blood pressure damage

We all know that high blood pressure is dangerous and that it can lead to heart attacks and even strokes. But, did you realize that it can also dramatically increase your risk of heart failure – a condition where your heart is unable to pump enough blood to the rest of your body?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

75-year Harvard study reveals the secret to a fulfilling life

What factors have the most significant effect on your physical and emotional well-being? Is it how much money you make, how respected you are in your community, or how much you gave back? Or, is it something else? A 75 year Harvard study may have the answer…

Jenny Smiechowski

The secret that slays your desire for delicious-smelling junk food

How hard is it to turn down a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie once you catch a whiff of it? Or garlic bread? Or French fries? Scent triggers cravings. And scent-based cravings are hard to resist. But there’s a secret to overcoming those stubborn cravings.

Joyce Hollman

Why a heart attack sets you up for dementia

Hypertension and heart attacks are intimately connected. And, since both hypertension and vascular dementia are caused by thickening and narrowing of small blood vessels, it’s no surprise that vascular dementia risk rises right along with blood pressure, particularly for women…

Jenny Smiechowski

The nut that cracks two common nutrient deficiencies

A lot of us aren’t eating enough micronutrients, because, let’s face it… it’s not easy. How can you get enough of these disease-fighting nutrients? You might think a total diet overhaul is the solution. But not necessarily. There’s this tasty food that gets you two for one…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Corydalis for natural pain relief

Corydalis yanhusuo, a Chinese herb, has well documented effects on various types of pain — acute, inflammatory, neuropathic, and even bone cancer pain. All without causing tolerance. If this sounds too good to be true, how about a testimonial?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why a marathon on your bucket list spells danger for your heart

For years a good friend of mine has been trying to talk me into running a marathon with her. But there’s a danger that comes with marathons few realize. If you’re new to marathons but planning to compete one day, read this before hitting the pavement…

Joyce Hollman

How to support your body’s cannabinoid system without going up in smoke

In 1988, two scientists proved that the human body is wired for cannabis. In fact, your body has an entire system that runs on cannabinoids, and a deficiency spells trouble. Besides marijuana, there are other natural substances that will support it…

Jenny Smiechowski

What to know if you’re diagnosed with high blood pressure under the new rules

In 2017, the American College of Cardiology created new treatment guidelines for high blood pressure, assuming it’s better to catch creeping blood pressure sooner rather than later. But despite their good intentions, the new guidelines do more harm than good…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 essential oils that might win the fight against Lyme disease

Lyme disease is still a mysterious condition in many ways. And just as mysterious is curing it. But Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has discovered 5 essential oils that are more effective at killing the disease than standard Lyme antibiotics.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

More protein could be the answer to defeating fatty liver disease

Weight is a major factor for a condition known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. It significantly increases risk for liver cancer and liver failure, and makes it more likely that you’ll develop type 2 diabetes. But more of a healthy nutrient can help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What really works for tennis elbow pain

In over 10 years in chiropractic practice, one of the most common complaints from patients was tennis elbow. Some doctors have tried everything from medications, to botox injections, to ultrasounds. Turns out what I was recommending has been proven to work best.

Joyce Hollman

10 baking soda uses for health, house and hygiene

That little yellow box sitting in your refrigerator and keeping things fresh? The white powder in that box isn’t a miracle cure, but it has more amazing uses than most people realize. Here’s how to put it to use for health, house and hygiene…

Jenny Smiechowski

The bowel problem that quadruples your prostate cancer risk

Many chronic diseases come with other health risks. And that seems to be the case with inflammatory bowel diseases too, like Crohn’s or colitis. In fact, a new study shows that men with IBD are more at risk for a super serious health condition…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How a bad night’s sleep throws you off balance

Multiple studies have linked poor sleep to everything from weight gain and depression to chronic disease. Yet, there’s another danger you could be facing that hasn’t gotten enough attention… Your risk of serious falls and even fractures.

Jenny Smiechowski

The healthy tea that raises diabetes risk 20 percent

It’s the holy grail of health drinks. It improves brain function. It speeds up your metabolism. It lowers your risk of certain cancers. It keeps your teeth healthy. But here’s how new research says it could increase your risk for type 2 diabetes…

Joyce Hollman

12 poisons that hijack your body, wreck your hormones and cause cancer

Endocrine disruptors cause hormone imbalances that wreak havoc on your body and can lead to hormone-dependent cancers. But, don’t panic, yet. We know where the bad guys are hiding, and you can do a lot to avoid them…

Jenny Smiechowski

How air pollution turns off the genes that prevent breast cancer

Whether you’re a construction worker, a truck driver, a tollbooth attendant, a border patrol officer or just live by a major highway, you’re inhaling large amounts of air pollution daily. It’s no secret that this isn’t good for you. In fact, it could make your cancer risk as much as 16 times higher…

Jenny Smiechowski

Can’t choose between low-carb and high-carb? There’s a third option

There’s evidence that low-carb diets improve your health. And there’s evidence that high-carb diets improve your health. It’s enough to make your head spin! How could two completely different diets both be healthy? More importantly, which one should you choose? You may not have to…