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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Pandemic pain: Why your chronic pain has worsened

If you’ve noticed you have a harder time dealing with pain lately, you’re not alone. Like most things in the past year, research shows that for victims of chronic pain, the likelihood that you’re feeling worse than ever is off the charts. Here’s why your pain is worse and what can help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Research rekindles the question: Are eggs healthy?

The egg debate has gone on for years. Some studies indicate eggs contribute to heart disease, cancer and a shorter lifespan, while others have demonstrated a protective effect. There’s a lot on the line when it comes to eggs. So, it’s no wonder the debate is ongoing. Here’s what the latest research reveals…

Carolyn Gretton

Curcumin: The spice that wards off liver damage

Curcumin, a compound found in the spice turmeric, is well-known as a powerful anti-inflammatory that’s shown promise in relieving several diseases, including cancers of the stomach, blood and lungs. As if these benefits weren’t enough, the spice may also help protect the health of another vital organ.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Sleep deprivation nearly doubles dementia risk

Sleep is critical time the brain uses to clear toxins, build memories and reinvigorate parts of the brain that help us continue to learn and function independently. If you’re missing out on valuable shut-eye, these processes are short-circuited, and you could potentially set yourself up for serious problems.

Joyce Hollman

What is lifestyle medicine and what can it do for you?

What if lifestyle interventions were looked on as legitimate, bona fide treatments, just as medications are? The growing discipline of lifestyle medicine is making this “what if” a reality, and instead of medicalizing disease, provides an easier pill to swallow.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is being a workaholic ruining your health?

Previous studies have shown a combination of stress and work can increase your risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In other words, being a workaholic can ruin your health. Here’s how to gauge your risk and how to turn it around.

Carolyn Gretton

How refined grains stack your odds of heart attack and stroke

It’s no news flash that refined grains like white flour are bad for your health. But while many studies on refined grains have focused on their impact on weight and blood sugar, it turns out they significantly boost our odds for heart attack or stroke. Good news: Whole grains do just the opposite.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Best drink for stroke and heart attack survivors

Even if you’ve survived a heart attack or stroke, your risk of dying prematurely increases. In fact, in the first month after a cardiac incident, risk of death skyrockets, and this risk can remain high for years. The good news: You’re a survivor, and researchers are tirelessly working on ways you can keep it that way.

Carolyn Gretton

How are ‘SuperAgers’ avoiding Alzheimer’s?

While scientists have been able to identify key markers of Alzheimer’s disease, they’re still trying to work out why some people develop the disease and others do not. Some, called ‘SuperAgers,’ even appear to be resistant. And researchers are trying to unravel their secret…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How to keep computer vision syndrome from ruining your eyesight

It’s almost impossible to avoid a computer or digital screen, including your phone. But these modern conveniences are causing new threats to your eyesight. Here’s what you should know about computer vision syndrome, and how to avoid it when you can’t avoid a screen.

Carolyn Gretton

Overcome stress eating and improve metabolism with ‘psychobiotics’

There is a complex interplay between stress eating, obesity and the kinds of metabolic issues that can lead to type 2 diabetes. Managing all these factors usually takes multiple steps. But a team of researchers may have found an interesting shortcut involving a particular kind of “good” bacteria…

Joyce Hollman

3 ways group singing boosts our health

Choral groups may not be singing together much right now, but hopefully that will change soon. Because the emotional and physical health benefits science shows happens when we blend our voices are just too good to pass up…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The fruit that guards against sunburn, UV damage and skin cancer

We all need a little sunshine in our lives. It’s an important source of vitamin D. Get too much sun, though, and UV damage can lead to premature aging and skin cancer. But there’s a tasty way to give yourself an extra layer of sun protection and guard against sunburn…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What each serving of fruit and veggies does to heart disease, stroke and cancer

It’s no surprise to any of us that despite the best efforts of moms everywhere, 90 percent of us are still not eating enough fruits and vegetables. But what if we did? For starters, 7.8 million early deaths a year could be prevented. Scientists can even measure the benefits in each serving, and reveal the magic number for saving lives…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why napping is good medicine for your brain

Do you get a little bit sleepy as the afternoon wears on? Are you feeling that after lunch slump that makes you want to just curl up, close your eyes and drift off, if only for a little while? Here’s your excuse to give in: napping may be good medicine for your brain.

Carolyn Gretton

German scientists’ ‘cancer plan’: Age 50+ take vitamin D

For years, scientists have been studying how vitamin D influences the prognosis of a number of diseases, particularly inflammatory diseases, diabetes, respiratory diseases and cancer. Using that information, they’ve devised a plan that could reduce cancer deaths and increase lifespan.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

The difference between surviving a heart attack or not

We’ve seen lots of research about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. But how active, or inactive you are, has been found to have a great impact on whether a heart attack kills you on the spot or serves as a mere warning that you need to make some major lifestyle changes.

Joyce Hollman

Longevity gas: The smelly secret to living longer

People focus on avoiding gas. But inside the body, one gas in particular acts as a chemical messenger, one that could offer smelly protection against life-threatening illnesses and boost longevity. But the wrong foods can cheat you of it.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Sleep apnea: An underdiagnosed threat for women

Are you waking up feeling tired and sluggish after a full night’s sleep? Do you find yourself suffering from daytime sleepiness? For women, obstructive sleep apnea is often underdiagnosed and the consequences can be dangerous…

Dr. Mariza Snyder

Top 10 supplements to balance hormones naturally

Your hormones rely on key nutrients to work at their best, and it is virtually impossible to get everything you need through food alone, unless you want to eat 10lbs of broccoli sprouts every day! Let’s take a look at the best and most well-researched supplements for various types of hormonal support!

Carolyn Gretton

Green tea boosts cancer-destroying ‘guardian of the genome’

Green tea is well-known for its positive benefits on metabollism, brain funtion, blood sugar and longevity. Now, researchers say its key compound may increase a natural anti-cancer protein know as the “guardian of the genome.”

Joyce Hollman

Walnuts slash heart disease and diabetes

During early Roman times, the walnut was considered a food for the gods. But recently scientists have been using artificial intelligence to dig deeper and identify the specific components of walnuts that can add years to your life by slashing disease risk.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two words on the problem with face shields: Vortex rings

While we eagerly await word from the experts on how much longer wearing a mask could be a daily part of our lives to avoid COVID-19 transmission, many have switched to clear face shields to mitigate the downsides of cloth masks. But are they as safe?

Carolyn Gretton

Medical marijuana and high blood pressure: Here’s what we know

Medical marijuana, or cannabis, has been used medicinally to provide relief for chronic pain, nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy and muscle spasticity in multiple sclerosis patients. But what about heart health? More studies are needed but there’s positive news about its effect on blood pressure.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Taurine: A natural ‘antibiotic’ and more

Antibiotics are lifesavers. But because we’ve relied on them too heavily, we’ve contributed to a big downside: antibiotic resistance. But scientists are finding promise in a nutrient found in many common foods that may trigger good bacteria in the body to go after disease-causing pathogens.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How bacteria can provide a barrier against pneumonia

The difference between a mild case of the flu and possible hospitalization is the development of pneumonia. Just in time, researchers have identified one more way to reduce risk for a lung infection…

Carolyn Gretton

Why your mouth is the gateway to health or disease in your body

We know it’s important to keep our teeth and gums clean, but we often don’t consider how much good oral hygiene is connected with our whole-body health. More and more research is showing just how much our oral health can influence our overall health — and vice versa…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Coffee’s secret power: Taking down heart failure risk

Across the U.S., fifty percent of us drink coffee daily. It’s a love affair that likely has a lot to do with energy-boosting caffeine. Too much, and coffee can make you feel jittery and nervous. But if you want to reduce the risk of heart failure, decaf may not have the power to do it.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What a daily glass of alcohol does to your heart rhythm

For the past decade, there’s been a lot of buzz about how a daily glass of wine promotes good health. But for every study that supports that, there’s another that shows harm. New research sheds light on what happens to your heart when you drink a daily glass of alcohol.

Joyce Hollman

Using aspirin to lower the risk of colorectal cancer

You’ve probably heard about daily aspirin therapy as a preventative for heart attack and stroke. But have you heard of its effect on colorectal cancer? Turns out there’s compelling evidence for it, with one caveat…

Jenny Smiechowski

Don’t trade high blood pressure for pancreatic cancer

One in three of us have high blood pressure. If you do, you might treat it with medication, because leaving it untreated has serious consequences, like an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. But what if your blood pressure medication increased your risk for a particularly dangerous cancer?

Joyce Hollman

Analysts admit the greed behind the machine: Cures are bad business

When you’re in business to sell a product, your main objective is to make money. Nothing wrong with that, right? But what if you’re selling cures for life-threatening diseases? Then you have a bit of a dilemma. Because the more product you sell, the fewer customers you have…

Janine Einhellig

Why collagen is superior to other protein powders

Protein powders are becoming a popular answer for fitness, wellness and weight loss goals. However, not all protein powders have equal health benefits. Certain types of proteins can be important in preventing premature aging, building muscle, and other specific health goals…

Joyce Hollman

To get the health benefits of salmon, go wild

Salmon is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is the centerpiece of a heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. It also contains stores of Vitamin B12, potassium and selenium. But salmon isn’t always good for you. In fact, sometimes it’s downright dangerous…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Mold allergy cause of fatigue, headaches, joint pain, skin rash and more

The hottest months of the year offer great times for many, but for people with mold sensitivities, these times can be especially difficult. That’s because, when temperatures rise, molds that were more dormant come to life and “bloom,” wreaking health havoc — mostly among people who are predisposed to mold toxicity…

Jenny Smiechowski

7 serious diseases tied to one common virus

Did you know something as innocent as a viral infection could put you at risk for seven serious diseases? I know it sounds extreme, but if the person you’re kissing, or sharing a straw with, is a carrier of the Epstein Barr virus (EBV), an unfortunate side effect could haunt you for years…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How fake sugars destroy your metabolism and cause diabetes

You may be surprised to learn that drinking diet soda instead of regular, full-on sugar varieties has NOT been proven to help you lose weight. In fact, the latest research shows something much worse: “Fake sugars” actually change how your body processes fat and uses energy.

Dr. Michael Cutler

What does depression really look like?

A low mood at some point in life is an inevitable part of the human experience. But major depression is disabling and deserves serious attention. How can you recognize depression in yourself, as well as those close to you — the people you care about… your family… even friends or coworkers?

Jenny Smiechowski

3 healthy habits that help you survive colon cancer

Researchers recently found that a few healthy habits can make a big difference in the lives of people with stage 3 colon cancer. If you ever doubted the impact of healthy living, consider how these habits improved patients’ survival up to 51 percent…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The common household practice destroying your lungs

Your lungs are vital to your health and your life. But did you know that lung diseases are one of the leading causes of death? Being a non-smoker is not enough to keep you safe, considering this household practice hurts your lungs as much as 20 years of smoking…

Joyce Hollman

10 reasons you need avocados

Did you know avocados help guard against disease in every single organ in your body? Make your hair shine, soften wrinkles, and even treat sunburn? Oh, and fight cancer. But that’s not all! Here are 10 ways avocados can protect your body and boost your health…

Margaret Cantwell

Seniors beware: They’re coming for your supplements

Medical types are claiming there’s no reason for seniors to supplement their nutrition with vitamins or minerals. In a perfect world, I might agree. But before your doctor takes your supplements from you, there are a few things you might want to understand about the current state of nutrition…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 ways to a flatter belly without sweating

Before you throw up your hands and shake your fists at the thought of one more diet plan, relax. Getting rid of belly bloat and feeling lighter is actually very simple. Here are 7 simple tricks to beat whatever’s weighing you down…

Joyce Hollman

Why sugar today could mean Alzheimer’s tomorrow

Science has long established the fact that inflammation is a problem behind all the diseases and conditions that scare us… cancer, diabetes, even stroke and heart disease. Now, scientists have established inflammation’s role in the development and severity of Alzheimer’s disease.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The best exercise for lower blood pressure (and great legs!)

Could there really be just one perfect exercise that reduces arterial stiffness and blood pressure, while also increasing leg strength in stage 2 hypertensive postmenopausal women, like me? The answer is yes! And you can kiss those gym fees goodbye…

Jenny Smiechowski

Is a pear shape just as bad for your heart as a belly bulge?

Where you hold your fat reveals a lot about your health: Fat in your middle means risk for obesity-related cancers and heart disease. Past studies show fat in your butt, hips and thighs seems to protect you from heart disease. But, it turns out belly fat isn’t the only body fat that’s bad for the heart…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Look at these and watch the pounds fall off

Dieting is hard. Before you revert to diet pills and suffer side effects like stomach pain, cramping, gas and even the inability to control your bowel movements, try something painless… A proven trick that can help you automatically eat less so that you can get slim more easily…

Craig Cooper

5 powerhouse nutrients for your heart and where to get them

It’s no secret that vegetables are good for your health… but exactly which are the best vegetables for men’s heart health (women can benefit, too!) — and why are they so beneficial? It boils down to these amazing heart-protective nutrients…

Joyce Hollman

This is what a good night’s sleep sounds like

Getting restful sleep is every bit as critical to your health as eating the right foods. But, as we age, sleep becomes more difficult. More bad news: age-related decline in sleep quality steals your ability to hold onto memories. Here’s the secret to get your sleep in the pink…

Jenny Smiechowski

The vitamin that squashes psoriasis symptoms

People with psoriasis have noticed something strange about their chronic, painful skin condition… It gets better in the summer. If you have psoriasis, you may have noticed this seasonal shift in symptoms yourself. But have you ever wondered why this happens?

Jenny Smiechowski

The deep-sea supplement that restores youthful stamina

Exercise makes you younger on a cellular level. If you stop because it gets harder with age, you create a vicious cycle of aging. You’ve got to plow through the pain in the name of a more youthful body and brain. And this supplement can help make exercise easier at any age…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

2 common habits you’d never guess are blowing up your BMI

About 10 years ago my dad was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, after trying so hard to lose the weight that contributed to his diagnosis. Now, a study is giving us insight into why it’s so hard for some people with blood sugar problems to lose weight, and what to do about it…

Joyce Hollman

Can a nasal spray treat depression and prevent suicide?

Almost two decades ago, researchers discovered that an FDA-approved anesthetic drug could relieve severe depression and suicidal thoughts within hours. Sounds like a godsend for the mental health community, right? Here’s what you need to know since it’s about to be fast-tracked…

Jenny Smiechowski

2 modern medicine fails medical marijuana could solve

Marijuana is controversial. Not everyone’s open to it. But if you’re only getting a few hours of restless sleep a night due to insomnia, you should know research says it’s incredibly effective… as well as for another condition that often accompanies insomnia — chronic pain.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What you really need to know about feminine hygiene products

I was in “that” aisle of the drugstore the other day. You know the one… the feminine hygiene aisle, and I was floored by the number of products out there. But, are they safe? Are they healthy to use on some of the most sensitive tissue on your entire body?

Jenny Smiechowski

4 reasons to try America’s forgotten inflammation-fighting tea

Do you start your morning with a cup of Guatemalan coffee? A cup of Chinese green tea? Or Peruvian yerba mate? Most of us get our daily dose of caffeine from halfway across the world. But there was a time when Americans got their caffeine fix from a source closer to home…

Joyce Hollman

The shocking trend causing 13 kinds of cancer (it’s not cigarettes)

According to the CDC, nearly half of all cancers in people age 65 and younger between 2005 and 2014 were associated with a health condition that is fast becoming more dangerous than smoking. Experts predict this epidemic will soon overtake smoking as the leading cause of cancer deaths…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why berries are the best at fighting cancer and aging

If you’re looking for a simple way to eat healthier, without counting calories or following crazy diet rules, here’s a healthy eating philosophy you can follow: Eat more of this super healthy compound that has an astounding effect on cancer and aging, found in the tiniest fruit…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Clearing the confusion about cooking oils

Is there anything more confusing than the truth about vegetable oils? The FDA tells us they’re good for us because they are polyunsaturated fatty acids, and not saturated oils. The problem with that is that the scientific literature says otherwise. So, let’s clear things up…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How many alcoholic drinks before your life expectancy shrinks?

The subject of alcohol can be a very polarizing one. Some people don’t drink at all while others think of it as part of their daily life and part of their social scene. I probably fall somewhere in the middle. The thing is, what’s the limit before your life expectancy shrinks fast?